Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI), Kolkata
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Office of the Additional Director
Central Government Health Scheme
6, Esplanade East (Gr. Floor), Kolkata – 700 069.
No. 51-588/CGHS/KOL/CNCI/2012/8449 – 98
Date: 23rd November 2022
Subject:- Cancer Treatment at Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI), Kolkata – regd.
Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) situated at “Street no 299, Plot No. DJ-01, Premises No 02-0321, Action Area 1D, New Town, Kolkata – 700 160” is an Autonomous Institute under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.
The following are the scope of services for cancer patients offered by CNCI: –
A) Surgical Oncology
GI Oncology, Head & neck Oncology, CA Breast & Soft Tissue, Uro Onco Surgery, Genitourinary (GU) Oncology, Gynace Onco Surgery, Thoracic Surgery
B) Radiation Oncology
Radiotherapy (Linac). Brachy Therapy
C) Medical Oncology
Chemotherapy, Haemato Oncology (Except BMT)
D) Radio Imaging Services
PET Scan, MRI, CT Scan, Interventional Radiology. USG
E) Endoscopic Gastro Services
Upper GI Endoscopy, Lower GI Endoscopy, ERCP
F) Laboratory Services
Histopathology & Cyto Pathology, Immune Histochemistry, Haematology & Flowcytometry & Transfusion Medicine, Microbiology, Serology & Immunology, Clinical Biochemistry includes Protein & Tumor Chemistry, Molecular Biology & Clinical Pathology, Molecular Diagnostic.
3. The CNCT will give the treatment to the CGHS beneficiaries with effect from 24th November 2022.
4. In this regard the undersigned is directed to convey the procedure to be followed by CGHS beneficiaries for availing treatment at CNCI, Kolkata as per the details given under: –
(i) All CGHS beneficiaries are to be referred from CGHS wellness centres for availing OPD consultation at CNC] New Town Kolkata at the NIC module of referral with a note at the Remarks column “Refd to CNCI”.
(ii) All CGHS beneficiaries (Pensioners & Serving) shall obtain a referral letter from a CGHS wellness centre in Kolkata / Siliguri / Jalpaiguri for all listed procedures and investigations related to Cancer treatment.
(iii)All Pensioners & Serving CGHS Kolkata employees eligible for cashless benefits shall obtain permission for unlisted procedures and investigations related to Cancer treatment from the Office of the Additional Director, CGHS Kolkata after forwarding from the CGHS wellness centre with proper documentation as per the CGHS extant rule.
(iv) All CGHS serving beneficiaries other than those working in CGHS Kolkata required to obtain permission for unlisted procedures and investigations related to Cancer treatment from their respective Office / Department, as per the CGHS extant rule, as the case may be.
(v)The CGHS beneficiaries and their dependants who are referred to CNCI for any CGHS listed Investigations or any listed Procedures related to cancer treatment will be provided services as per the CGHS Kolkata approved rate or the CNCI rate whichever is lower.
For any treatment related to Cancer Surgery the Office Order No. S-11045/36/2012- CGHS (HEC) dated 07th September 2015 will be applicable as per the guidelines laid down in the above mentioned Order.
The chemotherapeutic medicines prescribed by Specialists / Oncologists will be provided by MSD, CGHS Kolkata to the patients for all the planned treatment of the cancer patient with which they will report to the CNCI hospital for the needful procedure. If any medicine is not supplied from MSD, CGHS Kolkata the CNCI authorities can administer those medicines on the basis of the certificate issued by MSD or from CGHS WC along with the declaration that CNCI had not received the medicines from CGHS beneficiaries.
(vi) The CNCI authorities shall admit any CGHS beneficiaries suffering from cancer on emergency basis for emergency management as per entitlement at CGIIS rate, as the case may be.
(vii)The CNCI authorities shall provide treatment on credit basis to all the eligible CGHS beneficiaries & to the Staffs of CGHS Kolkata as per the Authorization letter and bills shall be sent to the Additional Director, CGHS Kolkata for reimbursement
(viii) The bills of serving beneficiaries other than CGHS staffs but under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to be given credit benefits & their bills to be sent to their respective offices for re-imbursement. (AIIPH, APHO, PHO, Institute of Serology, RHO etc)
(ix) Any Serving CGHS (other than Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) beneficiaries shall make payment & claim reimbursement from their concerned office/Ministry / Department.
(x) CGHS card holders of Autonomous bodies (if plastic card is available the colour of the plastic card will be yellow) are not eligible for any cashless benefits.
They will avail their services (Investigations & Procedures) on payment basis after their referral from the CGHS wellness centres as per CGHS Kolkata listed rates
(xi) The INDOOR ONLY CGHS cardholders are eligible to undergo procedures only (no investigations) on the basis of the permission letter from the Office of the Additional Director, CGHS Kolkata. They are eligible for Indoor Treatment if admitted on emergency basis. They are eligible for Cashless benefits and their bills are to be sent to the Office of the Additional Director, CGH Kolkata for payment.
(xii)The CNCI authorities are required to retain the original referral from CGHS Wellness Centre in respect of Pensioner(s) and Serving employees under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare as they need to send those original referrals to either, the Office of the Additional Director, CGHS Kolkata or the respective Offices of the serving beneficiaries under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, as the case may be.
(xiii) The CNCI authorities are instructed to submit the bills with proper documentation with itemized details for reimbursement either, the Office of the Additional Director, CGHS Kolkata or the respective Offices of the serving beneficiaries under MOII&FW, as the case may be at the end of each month.
(xiv) The CNCI authorities will have to retain a copy of the CGHS card of the beneficiaries whom services have been rendered by CNCI. The copy of the card must be mandatorily enclosed with the bills of the each of the beneficiaries during submission for reimbursement of the bills.
(xv) The Additional Director. CGHS Kolkata reserves the right to discontinue the contract in case of non compliance of the said SOP. In case if CNCI wants to discontinue the services for the CGHS beneficiaries. they need to give a 1 month notice for the same in writing.
(xvi) If credit facility has not being extended to an eligible CGHS beneficiary, the CNCI authorities needs to submit a letter of justification mentioning the circumstances under which they are unable to provide the credit benefits to the eligible CGHS beneficiary.
5. These orders are valid for a period of two years from the date of issue.
(Additional Director)
CGS Kolkata
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