Extension of date of finalization of e-APAR of 2020-21 through HRMS
No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/23(Part)
New Delhi, dated: 14.09.2022
Principal Chief Personnel Officer,
All Indian Railways,
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Extension of date of finalization of e-APAR of 2020-21 through HRMS – reg.
Ref: Board’s letter No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/23(Part) dated 21.04.2022
Vide Board’s letter under reference, extension was granted to all the Railways upto 30.04.2022 for finalization of e-APARs for the year 2020-21 through HRMS.
2. In this regard, requests have been received from various Field Units for granting further extension for finalization of pending e-APARs for year 2020-21. Further, non finalization of these APARs are creating problems for processing the APARs for following years and in processes such as finalization of promotions/MACP etc.
3. In view of the above, it has been decided by Board that one final extension may be granted for finalization of all the processes relating to e-APARs for the year 2020-21 till 30th September, 2022. e-APARs of all the eligible employees of Indian Railways for the year 2020-21 must be finalized through HRMS till 30.09.2022. Any APAR remaining unfinished beyond this date will not be considered. No physical APAR shall be accepted for year 2020-21 onward and even if any physical APAR for the said period has been processed, the same may be re-initiated and accepted through HRMS digitally. It may also be noted that there is no provision for uploading the scanned APAR in HRMS for the year 2020-21 onward.
4. As regards the time available for Appeal against APAR grading, such appeals can be made within 15 days of finalization of e-APAR in respect of APARs yet to be finalized only, as per extant rules. No such extension for filing of appeals/representations Shall be applicable for e-APARs already finalized.
5. All the concerned officers shall ensure finalization of the pending e-APARs within this time period and no further extension will be granted for the same. Responsibility must be fixed in case of any failure.
(Garima Srivastava)
Executive Director (Trg. & MPP)
Room No. 255-A, Rail Bhawan,
Tele No. 011-47845311
Railway Board
Source: indianrailways.gov.in
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