Organizing the functions of IFAs (Capital) in Army, Navy and Air Force
Controller General of Defence Accounts
110010/Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt -110010
No. AN/III/3096/I/IFA/Vol.VI
Date: 25th August 2022
PIFA (Army-0), PIFA (Air Force), PIFA (Navy)
(Through CGDA’s Website)
Sub: Stremlining the functioning of IFAs (Capital) in Army, Navy and Air Force.
With the aim of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Financial Coverage in r/o Revenue and Capital Procurements at SHQ level, following arrangement is implemented with immediate effect:
(a) IFA (Capital) – Army, Navy and Air Fore are merged with the respective Pr IFAs i.e. PIFA-O, PIFA (Navy) and PIFA (AF).
(b) PIFA-O, PIFA (AF) and PIFA (Navy) shall be the Head of Office for all purposes for the merged offices which shall be called as Office of Pr. IFA (Army-0), Office of Pr. IFA (Air Force) and Office of Pr. IFA (Navy) respectively.
(c) There shall be no change in the APAR reporting structure for Pr. IFAs and IFAs (Capital).
2. PIFA (IDS & SFC) and PIFA (Army – Q&M) shall extend assistance to PIFA (0) for dealing with cases on account of emergency powers as and when the need arises. The assistance would be in the form of providing officers to be a part of empowered committees.
3. This issues with concurrence of MoD (Fin)on file no. IFA/3/SHQ Coverage/IFA- Wing. vide Note dated 22-08-2022.
Sr. ACGDA (Admin)
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