Scheme for compassionate appointment – Other Policy Decisions
No. A-12012/01/2021-Admn. III
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 01.07.2022
Subject: Scheme for compassionate appointment – Other Policy Decisions.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that the following decisions relating to appointment on compassionate appointment ground in Department of Telecommunications has been taken, which are mentioned below:-
i) The following offices of Department of Telecommunications are grouped for the purposes of processing of compassionate appointment applications/cases, as mentioned underneath:-
where the deceased government servant was posted/was on strength or from where the government servant is retired on medical grounds (Medically invalidated and eligible for such consideration in terms of DoPT’s OM No.14014/02/2012-Estt.(D) dated 16.01.2013) |
All Government Servant on the Strength of DoT Headquarters and drawing their pay from DoT Hqrs including TEC, USOF | DOT(HQ) (C&A Division) |
2 | DG(T) and LSA including technical field units such as NOCC, NTIPRIT, etc and | DG(T) |
3 | CGCA & CCA with NICF | CGCA |
4 | WMO and its units | Dir(WMO) |
a. In case of pending cases in Block 2 that are awaiting appointment only due to non-availability of vacancies (vacancy means 5% of Direct Recruitment in Group ‘C’ vacancies for the year), then Block 3 will be approached (through O/o CGCA Hqrs) and the case may be considered based on relative merit score and availability of vacancies in CCA units.
b. In case of unfilled vacancy on compassionate ground in a particular year (ending on 31st December of the year) due to unavailability of eligible candidates, CGCA/WMO shall report such vacancy to DoT HQ.
ii). Cut-off date/validity period may be regulated as follows: –
a. Applications to be considered: – Application for compassionate appointment received upto 31st December for appointment cycle in respect of death-in-harness or retirement on medical grounds of Government servant upto 31st December for appointment cycle may be considered in the cycle beginning on 1st January of the subsequent year.
b. Validity of application – DoPT instructions regarding the same may be followed; as on date the instructions of DoPT provides for considering the applications for compassionate appointments without any time limit.
c. Calculation of vacancies – Cumulative unfilled vacancies upto 31st December for appointment cycle beginning on 1st January of the subsequent year may be included.
2. Relative Merit Point Scheme issued vide OM of even no. dated 01 July, 2022 shall be followed by all DoT units.
3. This issues with the approval of Secretary(T).
(Arvind Kumar Jha)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Ph. No. 011 -2303 6210
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