Establishment – I.T. Department, A.P.& Telangana – Clarification regarding processing of Pension Papers and personal claims – Issue of instructions
Office of the Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax
Andhra Pradesh & Telangana
10th Floor, Income Tax Towers, AC Guards, Hyderabad-500 004
Tel No. 040 23425475, Fax: 23241427/23240403
F. No. Pr. CCIT/Estt/Pension/22.23
Dated :13.05.2022
Sub: Establishment – I.T. Department, A.P.& Telangana – Clarification regarding processing of Pension Papers and personal claims – Issue of instructions – Regarding.
Ref: This office OM in F. No. Pr. CCIT/Estt/Pension/22-23 dated 26/04/2022.
It has been brought to the notice of this office that the Retiring Officers / Officials working in stations other than their Head of Office / Department are located at are facing problems in finalization of Pension Papers / Pay fixation and other related issues regarding retirement.
2. An Office Memorandum has been issued in this regard vide this office letter cited under reference. In the Memorandum it has been directed that DDO concerned (i.e.) where Salary is paid) should take the activity of processing of pension papers / Pay fixation by taking necessary approvals from the Head of the Departments / Office (having Administrative Control over the Retiring Officer/ official).
3. But, it is observed many practical and technical problems are faced by DDOs (i.e. where salary is paid) in taking necessary approvals from Administrative Heads of the concerned retiring Officer/ Official.
4. In view of the above, to mitigate the issues faced by the Retiring Officers / officials it is now decided that the DDO (i.e. where salary is paid) is directed to transfer the LPC’s of all the employees including those who are retiring to the DDO (where administrative control of the concerned employee) immediately.
4. The DDO (where administrative control of employee) is directed to accept the LPC and process all the claims of the employee such as Salary / TA/ LTC/ Pay Fixation / Grant of Leave etc., and all other Service matters including processing of pension papers. The Service Register of the employee should be maintained at DDO having Administrative Control only.
5. All office expenses other than mentioned above may be incurred by the DDOs as per the Proceedings of the Commissioner of Income Tax(Admin & TPS), Hyderabad in F. No. CCAP/Finance/DDOs Re-organisation/2020-21 dated 29.03.2021.
6. All the settled cases of pensioners and cases where processing of pension has been initiated should not be disturbed and the DDO (where salary is being paid presently) and the Head of Office of the same DDO are directed to complete the process at their end.
7. The entire exercise as instructed Should be completed at the earliest and the action taken report shall be sent by 06.06.2022.
This is issued with the prior approval of the Pr. CCIT, A.P & Telangana, Hyderabad.
Dy. Commissioner of Income Tax(H.Qrs)(Admin)
O/o Pr.CCIT, AP & TS, Hyderabad.
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