PCDA Circular -Submission of Weekly Progress Report

Submission of Weekly Progress Report

रक्षा लेखा प्रधान नियंत्रक (अफसर) कार्यालय
गोलीबार मैदान, पुणे – 411001
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Officers)
Golibar Maidan, Pune – 411001
FAX: 020-26453446 TEL: 020-26401106

Important Circular

No. No. G/ Cor. 296/Circulars/Vol. II

Dated: 10.05.2022


Shri Lehana Singh, IDAS, Dy. CDA
Smt. Arati Ray Chaudhury, IDAS, ACDA
Shri T Satish Kumar, IDAS, ACDA
Smt. Seena Thomas, IDAS, ACDA
Shri Aakash Deep Rai, IDAS, ACDA
Shri R Bhagyaraj, IDA, ACDA

Subject: Submission of Weekly Progress Report to PCDA(O).

Weekly Progress Report was introduced to monitor progress of disposal of Letters, Special letters, Claims and Bills etc. on weekly basis. All Wing Officers were interalia directed to ensure submission of WPR to PCDA(O) invariably on every Friday or last working day of the week.

2. It has however, been observed with grave by the PCDA(O) Pune that WPR is not submitted as per instructions by various Sections/Wings. It has also been observed that no value addition with regard to requisite analysus of the report, reasoning for pendency, probable date of completion etc. is made by the Wing Officers and the process of submission of WPR has merely became mechanical more. This kind of approach defeats the very purpose of report and results into failure to monitor the progress and to achieve desired level of improvement in the level of pendency and Settlement of grievances or regulation of observations. This has been viewed with grave concern by the PCDA (O) Pune.

3. Hence It has been directed by the Competent Authority viz. PCDA (O) Pune to enjoined upon all Wing Officers to ensure submission of WPR with the objective that it reaches PCDA(O) on every Friday or last working day of the Week without fail. A comparative statement with reference to previous report brining out a detailed analysis, reasoning for pendency along with PDC also needs to be submitted with the report.

4. All concerned are requested to ensure strict compliance of the above noted instructions and any deviation in_ this regard would entail calling for personal explanation of the Wing Officers and initiation of disciplinary action against the defaulters.

5. This is issued with the kind approval of PCDA (O) Pune.

(Shri Chandra Prakash)

Source: pcdaopune.gov.in


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