Advisory to Spouse on demise of Pensioner – Form 14, Separate Bank Account, Non-earning Certificate, Declaration of Marriage

Advisory to Spouse on demise of Pensioner


1. Ref SOP on actions to be taken by the Spouse/NOK on demise of a veteran (officer) (Available in RODRA –> Downloads)

2. Inform Pension Paying Bank : Inform Pension Disbursing Authority (POA) i.e the Pension Paying Bank intimating them of the demise of the veteran, asking them to discontinue the pension of the pensioner and commence payment of the family pension of the spouse/NOK. The NOK will be entitled enhanced rate of Family Pension @ 50% of last pay drawn by the offr) til seven years from death of the pensioner or 67 years of age of pensioner, whichever is earlier.

3. Form 14 : On death of a pensioner, the spouse is not required to submit Form 14, if he/she was having a joint account with the pensioner and authorisation for payment of family pension exists in the Pension Payment Order (PPO) in his/her favour. In such cases, spouse will be required to provide only a copy of the death certificate to the pension paying branch in order to commence his/her family pension Pension disbursing bank will identify the family pensioners based on the information furnished in PPO and its ‘Know Your Customer’ procedure without insisting on him/her to physically present himself/herself in the paying bank.

4. Insisting spouse to open separate bank account for getting family pension – Banks will not insist for opening a new account when the spouse was having a joint account with the pensioner and authorisation for payment of family pension exists in the Pension Payment Order (PPO) in his/her favour.

5. Submission of non-earning certificate : A family pensioner, other than spouse, has to submit a declaration on non-earning his/her livelihood every year in the month of November. As per mule 54 (6) of CCS Pension) Rules, 1972, family pension is allowed to a son, daughter, disabled sibling of parents of a deceased pensioner of a deceased Government servant until he/she starts earning his/her livelihood. This declaration is, however, not required from the spouse for continuing fisher family pension.

6. Submission of declaration of Marriage : A family pensioner, other than spouse, has to submit a declaration of non-marriage/non re-marriage every six months. The family pension is discontinued if she/he gets married/re-married. If the spouse is in recipient of family pension, no certificate of re-marriage is required to be furnished by him/her. At the time of commencement of family pension, an undertaking wall be obtained from him/her to the effect that in the event of his/her re-marriage, he/she will report the fact to the pension disbursing bank promptly. However childless widow of deceased Government servant and disabled child of a pensioner/Government servant will continue to get family pension if they get married/re-married.

Authority : Govt-of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension, Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare O.M No 12/472020-P & Py (C)-6300 dated 15 May 2020.



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