Intimations/ permissions under Rule 18 (2) of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and scrutiny of Annual Immovable Property Returns (AIPR) of all Group ‘A’ officers of Department of Posts
No. 25-24/2020-SPG
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Personnel Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 28.04.2022
Subject: Intimations/ permissions under Rule 18 (2) of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and scrutiny of Annual Immovable Property Returns (AIPR) of all Group ‘A’ officers of Department of Posts – reg.
The undersigned is directed to convey that the existing process of intimation / permissions under Rule 18(2) of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 regarding acquiring and disposing of immovable property of Group ‘A’ officers of Postal Department either in their own name or in the name of any member of their family and scrutiny of the Annual Immovable Property Returns (AIPR), has been revised and it has decided that henceforth, the following procedure will be followed:
(A) In respect of all Group ‘A’ officers working in Directorate (Postal/PLI/BD/Parcel), CEPT and all CPMsG (including Director, RAKNPA):
(i) SPG Section to receive and process cases of intimation / permissions under rule 18 (2) of CCS (Conduct) Rules. The request shall include details of other party (ies), property proposed to be acquired /alienated and source of funds along with supporting documents.
(ii) SPG Section to scrutinize and process such requests completes in all respect and submit for information/approval to Director General Postal Services.
(iii) AIPR of such officers received, shall be checked to confirm whether any transactions through which any property was purchased/alienated is reflected in AIPR or not. At the same time, this is also to be confirmed whether any change in property returns is duly preceded by intimations/permissions for such transactions. After such scrutiny, these may be put up for information of DGPS.
(iv) Intimation/ permissions and AIPR of DGPS and Secretary (Posts) shall be put up to Hon’ble Minister-in-Charge after scrutiny by SPG Section.
(B) CPMsG and Director (RAKNPA) shall exercise powers of HoD on this subject for all Group ‘A’ officers (in line with guidelines issued by Govt. of India vide G.I. M.H.A. No. 25/11/68-Ests. (A) dated 05.08.1968) working under their control. The manner of scrutiny of intimations/permissions under Rule 18 (2) and review of AIPR for all Group ‘A’ officers posted in Circles and RAKNPA would be same as mentioned above for Group ‘A’ officers posted in Directorate.
(C) 20% of AIPRs of Group ‘A’ officers may continue to be scrutinized by Sr. DDG (Vig.) & CVO as provided in para 2.13(xii) of Chapter II of CVC Vigilance Manual (updated 2021).
(G. Rajeev)
Director (Staff)
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