E-Seva Vivad Portal Updation
F.No.C-18018/2/2021-Ad.V/ 3207
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs
(Office of Chief Vigilance Office)
2nd Floor, C-Wing, Hudco Vishala Building
Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi,
Date- 6th April, 2022
All the CCAs under CBIC
Subject: Updation of data on e-seva vivad portal in vigilance matters.
E-Seva Vivad Portal was launched vide Ad.IIA letter issued from F.No.23011/11/2020- Ad.IIA dated 31.03.2021. It is a web-based application meant for granting visibility to CAT/Court cases on service-related matters filed by different officers of field formations and for granting appropriate approval of Board on such matters. The scope of e-seva vivad portal was widened vide letter F.No.23011/11/2020- Ad.IIA dated 26.07.2021 to include vigilance matters also, wherein the departmental officers have approached CATs and other judicial fora.
2. In reference to above, in legal cases arising out of disciplinary matters, it is clarified that-
i. Vide SOP issued from Ad.IIA dated 01.04.2021( copy enclosed ) Field officer of the level of Asst Commissioner/ Deputy Commissioner/ Joint Commissioner/Additional commissioner, appointed as nodal officer for service matter will also act as nodal officers for vigilance matter pertaining to Ad.V section of the Board.
ii. Legal case details of All Group A officers in vigilance matters are to be uploaded on the e-seva vivad portal. The list of cases not uploaded is enclosed for uploading on the portal.(Annexure-A)
iii. Legal case details of serving non Group A officers are not to be uploaded on the e- seva vivad portal as Board is not directly involved in decision making process. If Union of India, Secretary (Revenue/Finance) or other officers from Board are made respondents in such cases, authorization on behalf of such Officers are to be sought by the field formations from Ad.V section of the Board, if not sought earlier and necessary action is to be taken for deletion of name of such respondents as they are not directly involved in decision making process.
iv. In case of retired non Group A officers, where the decision is to be taken by the President of India, under Rule 8 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 (erstwhile Rule 9 of CCS Pension Rules 1972) the legal case details are to be uploaded on the portal only after submission of disciplinary case records to Ad.V/DGoV after following due procedure as delineated in revised procedures issued vide F.No. 11016/31/2020-Ad.V/7247 dated 29.09.2021 and 10.03.2022.
v. The legal cases in case of serving non Group A officers, if, are required to be referred to the Board, same will follow the instruction issued from F.No.C-11016/32/2020-Ad.V vide letter dated 08.09.2021 and 10.03.2022 for effective and timely handling of courtcases on Disciplinary matters/ Vigilance casesin Central Administrative Tribunals/High Courts/ Supreme Court to protect the interest of the Government.
vi. All cases to be uploaded must contain
a. Brief of the case
b. Recommendations of the Field formations
c. Desired action from the Board
d. The case records uploaded on the portal must be complete in all respect ie it must have all the relevant documents of the concerned legal case like copy of OA, coply of reply Affidavit, Copy of Rejoinder, Copy of reply affidavit to rejoinder, copy of interim orders if any, copy of orders, legal opinion of standing counsel, legal advice of Branch secretariat of DoLA, copy of writ, copy of reply affidavit to writ etc.
e. Each document uploaded on the portal must be named properly for ease of reference of the Board.
3. Difficulty, if any, in the implementation of these instructions may be brought to the notice of the Board for necessary corrective actions.
Dharmvir Sharma
Deputy Secretary to Government of India
Tel. 011-26171183
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