Download Rudrashtadhyayi in Hindi PDF
Rudrashtadhyayi It is also called Shuklayjurvediya Rudrashtadhyayi. Rudrashtadhyayi Two words Rudra i.e. Shiva and Ashtadhyayi meaning eight chapters, Shiva is included in these eight chapters. Although there are ten chapters in Rudrashtadhyayi, but only eight are considered to be the main ones. Rudrashtadhyayi is a part of Yajurveda and Vedas are said to be the best texts. Veda is part of Shiva only Veda: Shiva: Shivo Veda: That is, Veda is Shiva and Shiva is Veda, Vedas have originated from Shiva.
Lord Shiva and Vishnu are also united, that is why both are called Harihara, Hari means Narayan (Vishnu) and Har i.e. Mahadev (Shiva) Veda and Narayan are also one Vedo Narayana: Sakshat Swayambhuriti Shushrutam. This is the reason why Vedas have so much importance in Indian culture and worship, Yagya, Abhishek etc. Everything is from Shiva and Shiva resides in all, Shiva, Mahadev, Hari, Vishnu, Brahma, Rudra, Neelkanth etc. are all synonyms of Brahma. Rudra means ‘rut’ and ruta means one who destroys sorrows, he is Rudra, rutam-dukhham, dravayati-nasayati iti rudrah. It is written in Rudrahridayopanishad –
सर्वदेवात्मको रुद्र: सर्वे देवा: शिवात्मका:।
रुद्रात्प्रवर्तते बीजं बीजयोनिर्जनार्दन:।।
यो रुद्र: स स्वयं ब्रह्मा यो ब्रह्मा स हुताशन:।
ब्रह्मविष्णुमयो रुद्र अग्नीषोमात्मकं जगत्।।
This verse tells that Rudra is Brahma, Vishnu is all the deities are Rudransh and everything is born from Rudra. From this it is proved that Rudra is Brahma, he is Swayambhu.
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