Cadre management of PA and LSG in Mail Motor Service
No. X-12/6/2021-SPN-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001
Dated: 11th February, 2022
a) All Chief Postmaster General
b) Chief General Manager, PLI / Parcel / BD Directorate
c) Chief General Manager, CEPT / Director RAKNPA / Director of all PTCs
d) Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service
e) All General Manager (Finance) / Director Postal Accounts / DDAP
Subject: Cadre management of PA and LSG in Mail Motor Service – reg.
Madam / Sir,
References have been received from Postal Circles, service association and officials regarding cadre management of Postal Assistants in Mail Motor Service. It has been observed that different Circles are following different Recruitment Rules and also treating PA in MMS as separate and distinct cadre. Further, Department is in receipt of references from officials working in MMS in connection with their transfer avenues (Inter-Circle and Intra-Circle) under Rule-38 as this cadre is treated as separate cadre due to which officials working in MMS have very limited scope for transfer.
2. The matter has been examined in the Directorate wherein it is found that there is disparity in management of PA cadre in Mail Motor Service across Postal Circles. Further, such small units remain isolated and their promotional prospects are also adversely affected. Candidates once appointed in MMS are not able to move anywhere on transfer freely, if they wish to do so, whereas on the other hand PA/SA in administrative offices/ operative offices are free to move anywhere on request transfer.
3. Presently there are 17 MMS units headed by Manager / Sr. Manager where the establishment and manpower is controlled by Manager / Sr. Manager. In addition, there are some smaller isolated units which are under control of Postal / RMS Division, where manpower is either provided by the concerned Postal / RMS Division or the larger MMS unit headed by Manager / Sr. Manager.
4. In order to bring in the parity in respect of 17 MMS Units headed by Manager / Sr. Manager and smaller units where manpower is being provided by larger MMS Units, following has been decided:.
(a) Postal Assistant in Mail Motor Service shall be borne on the cadre of Sorting Assistant and shall work in MMS with functional designation of ‘Office Assistant’.
(b) 17 MMS units headed by Manager / Sr. Manager in MMS shall continue to be treated as a separate unit at par with RMS Division. Sanctioned establishment of PA in such MMS units (to be called Office Assistant) shall be added to the strength of Sorting Assistant maintained at Circle Office for the purpose of recruitment / promotion to next grade.
(c) Recruitment of Office Assistant in MMS shall be governed by Recruitment Rules of Sorting Assistant and candidates thus recruited shall be allocated to MMS unit (headed by Manager / Sr. Manager) at par with RMS Division.
(d) Candidates once allocated to MMS shall not be subject to transfer outside MMS, except in case of promotion or on request, when they can be considered for posting to another MMS unit / RMS Division. Similarly, officials appointed in RMS Division Shall be subject to posting in MMS unit on promotion.
(e) Seniority of existing incumbents in aforesaid 17 MMS units shall be fixed inter-se with Sorting Assistant of RMS at Circle level. Instructions on fixation of seniority issued by Department of Personnel and Training shall be applicable.
(f) Promotional avenues of OA in MMS shall be alongwith Sorting Assistants of RMS Divisions to the cadre of LSG in RMS who shall be subject to transfer / posting as applicable to officials of LSG in RMS.
(g) Sanctioned post of LSG in 17 MMS units, wherever existing, shall be added to the total post of LSG in RMS. Officials already appointed as LSG in MMS as on date of issue of these instructions shall continue to work in MMS and would not be subject to transfer out of the unit. However, on their further promotion they shall be promoted to the cadre of HSG-II in RMS and normal rules on transfer/posting of HSG-II shall be applicable.
(h) Seniority of existing incumbents of LSG in MMS shall be fixed inter-se with LSG of RMS in the Circle. Instructions on fixation of seniority issued by Department of Personnel and Training shall be applicable.
(i) Sorting Assistants/LSG working in MMS as well as RMS shall have the option for Inter-Circle/Intra-Circle transfer to RMS as well as MMS units and vice-versa, in order of preference, as provided under Transfer guidelines.
5. In respect of smaller units under control of Postal / RMS Division where manpower is provided by the concerned Postal/RMS Division, following has been decided:
Establishment of Postal Assistant in MMS of smaller unit presently under control of Postal Division or RMS Division, as the case may be, shall become part of Postal / RMS Division concerned in whose jurisdiction such unit is presently functional. Head of Postal / RMS Division concerned shall be responsible for providing adequate manpower for functioning of such smaller units.
6. Above modifications may be brought to the notice of all concerned for implementation.
Yours faithfully,
(Muthuraman C)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
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