New Delhi, dated: 28.12.2021
The General Managers(P),
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.
Sub:Comprehensive list of responsibilities and duties of respective Officer appointed for supervision of implementation of reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PwD/EWS
In a meeting of Railway Board’s officials with that of DOP&T’s under the chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Admn.), DOP&T, held on 11.1 1.2021, one of the focus was to elaborate the duties and responsibilities of Liaison Officers being appointed with the above aims.
2.Attention is invited to this Ministry’s letter number E(SCT)74CM15/19 dated 24th July 1974 wherein inter-alia a list showing the broad duties and functions of the SPO (RP) was circulated for information and guidance. As the instructions are not updated for long time, the following are added for better implementation of policy on reservations :-
i. Separate Reservation Cell for extra divisional units such as Workshops etc to be formed also which to be looked after by nominated Liaison Officer.
ii. SPO/APO level Officer should be exclusively appointed at Headquarter level to assist the Liaison Officer of Headquarter.
iii. Officer/Staffs of reservation cell in Headquarter engaged for reservation related activities should report to Liaison Officer in Headquarter.
3. A comprehensive list of responsibilities and duties of Liaison Officers as evolved is enclosed as Annexure – I for information and compliance.
DA: As above.
(M.K. Meena)
Joint Director, Estt.(Res.)
Railway Board.
Responsibility and Functions of Liaison Officer (Reservation) for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS
1.To act as overall incharge of reservation cell constituted in the Headquarter/ Division/ Extra Divisional Units/ Workshops etc.
2.To maintain liaison and coordinate with the recruiting agencies.
3. To inspect the roster registers periodically and omissions and/or irregularities are to be brought to the notice of the concerned office and get it regularised or rectified as the case may be.
4. To hold periodical inspections of the offices of Establishment units both at Headquarters and in divisions including Workshops, etc. to see that assessment of quotas for recruitment is correctly made with reference to the initial records maintained for such purpose.
5.To see that the results of the periodical reviews of the roster registers and the reservation of posts conducted by the officers holding the charge of the offices as prescribed for each half-year ending 30th June and 31st December each year are put up to the General Manager, and that such reports with the remedial measures taken for irregularities or omissions detected are sent to the Railway Board as prescribed.
6. The Liaison Officers should go for inspection regularly at least 07 days in a month to cover up all the divisions and Workshops minimum 02 times in a year.
7.To see that the promotions of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidate as per normal seniority against unreserved vacancies are not adjusted against reserved vacancies of subsequent panel and thus Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates are not deprived of their legitimate claims.
8.To see that a separate complaint register recording and disposing complaints from any source on the matter of communal reservation and concessions granted to the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ Other Backward classes is maintained in each of the offices.
9.To see all assessment files for promotion and he should ensure implementation of policy.
10. To assess existing shortfalls, both in the recruitment and promotional grades – Division-wise and Railway as a whole. To research and review the causes of shortfall and to evolve remedial measures. To take steps for prompt wiping out of shortfalls Wherever noticed giving utmost attention to the existing shortfalls, if any.
11.To see that the carry forward of shortfalls is correctly made and to initiate action to make good the same within the period of three recruitment years so as to avoid cases of lapsing of the reserved quota.
12.To see that the vacancies whether for selection or non-selection posts are strictly governed by the communal roster in terms of the instructions of the Railway Board.
13.To see that cases of candidates belonging to Schedule Castes/Scheduled Tribes who could not get through the selection/suitability tests and the reserved vacancies are allowed to be carried forward are put up to GM/HOD/DRM and also to see that GM’s/HOD’s/DRM’s orders if any, are complied with expeditiously.
14. Benefits /concessions to SCs/STs/OBCs circulated through various orders should be scrupulously followed and officials who deliberately flout the reservation order should be sternly dealt with.
15.To see that the Selection/Recruitment Board/Screening Committee include one member belonging to the reserved community whenever there is any candidate of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ Other Backward class for reserved vacancies and also to see that such reserved candidates are interviewed in separate block and their performances are liberally viewed and assessed.
16.To see that in all cases of adhoc promotions for vacancies exceeding 45 days duration (and more than 90 days in the case of leave vacancies) roster points are followed and reserved vacancies are filled up by the promotion of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates as due to them.
17.To organize a system of periodical training of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates while in service in the existing training schools on the Railway and also to organize coaching in practical working by the supervisors under whom these candidates are working.
18.To deal with the other matters, i.e., personal grievances, transfer, applications for quarters, etc. as are covered by the extant orders of the Board issued from time-to-time.
19.Dealing with AISCSTREA/AIOBCREA & ensure extension of facilities provided to them are strictly being followed. Conducting of informal meetings of AISCSTREA/AIOBCREA is ensured as per the laid down schedules.
20.To deal with the matters of policy, correspondence, representation etc. and also hold meetings and discussions with the concerned officers and various other miscellaneous matters on the subject.
21.Ensuring the extension of necessary assistance to the National Commission for Scheduled Castes, the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes and National Commission for Other Backward classes in the investigation of complaints received by the Commission, in regard to service matters and in the collection of information for his annual report.
22.Liaison with the recruiting agencies regarding the submission of data for annual reports regarding representation of SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwD as on 1st January, Prime Minister’s New 15 point programme for the welfare of Minorities – Annual report on the intake/ representation of Minorities for the financial year, Report of the progress made in the intake of SC/ST/OBC/ EWS/PwD – report for the financial year, Status of filling up of Backlog Vacancies for every calendar year.
23.Apart from above, respective Liaison Officers for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS has to ensure the strict compliance of the instructions issued by Railway Board from time to time.
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