Railways: Introduction of 100% objective paper for promotional examination to expedite and simplify examination process

Introduction of 100% objective paper for promotional examination to expedite and simplify examination process


No. E(NG)1/2018/PM1/4/Pt.II

New Delhi, dated 05.01.2022

The General Manager (P),

South East Central Railway,

Bilaspur – 495004.

Sub: Introduction of 100% objective paper for promotional examination to expedite and simplify examination process.

Ref: SECR’s letter Nu. P-HQ/RUL/105/2 vol.-II1814 dated 28.02.2019.


The matter has been examined in consultation with Civil Engineering Directorate of Railway Board and it is clarified that the existing system of examination for promotional courses at Training Centres for various categories like Technical Supervisors (JEs/SSEs) etc. may be continued.

(Sanjay uma )
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board
E-mail: sanjay.kumar6@gov.in
Ph. No. 43658/01123303658

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