Aditya Hridaya Stotra in Hindi
The Aditya Hridayam Stotram dedicated to Surya Dev (Sun God) is one of the most potent hymns that we can resort to in times of need. These verses are mentioned in the Ramayana’s Yuddha Kanda written by Sage Valmiki.
The Stotram was recited by Sage Agastya to Ram just before the war against Ravana. Before the fateful day, Ram had spent sleepless nights and restless days as he tried desperately to find his wife Sita, who had been abducted. Therefore, a need arose to calm him and provide him with the much-needed mental and physical strength to face the enemy on the battlefield.
- The Sun God is the one who provides light and heat to sustain life on Earth.And since Ravi Var (Sunday) is dedicated to the worship of the sun god, you can receive his blessings and be showered by his choicest blessings. So thank him for nurturing all kinds of life on earth
- Reciting a sacred stotram that praises the sun is a great way to energize your mind & body.
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