Reporting of cases of deviations from the Central Vigilance Commission’s advice: CVC Circular No. 16/09/21
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-10023
No. 021/VGL/036
Dated 15.09.2021
Circular No. 16/09/21
Subject:- Reporting of cases of deviations from the Central Vigilance Commission’s advice-reg.
Reference:- (i) DoPT’s OM No. 118/2178-AVD(I) dated 28.09.1978
(ii) DoPT’s OM No. 119/2/2019-AVD-III dated 02.09.2019
(iii) Commission ‘s Circular No. 10/06/21 dated 23.06.2021
Central Vigilance Commission. vide its Circular No. 10/06/21 dated 23.06.2021 has issued guidelines for reporting of cases of deviations from Commission’s advice. As per para (5) and (6) of the circular, cases of deviations from Commission’s advice, in respect of Non-Presidential Appointees, are to be reported by the CVO of the ministry concerned to the Secretary of his ministry/department. In respect of PSUs, Banks and other organizations, all such cases of deviation from Commission’s advice in respect of N on-Presidential Appointees, are to be reported to the CVO of the administrative ministry through the Chief Executive of the respective organization. The CVO of the administrative ministry is required to submit all such cases to Secretary of his/her ministry and a confirmation in this regard is also to be sent to the Commission.
2. The above guidelines of the Commission are reiterated herewith and all organizations are advised to strictly adhere to the same and inform the administrative ministry about cases of deviation from Commission’s advice, without exception. As already stated in Para (7) of the Circular No.10/06/21 dated 23.06.2021, all actions are to be completed within a period of two months from the date of issue of order by the competent authority.
3. It is also clarified that the existing procedure of reporting of cases of deviation directly to the Commission will continue and the procedure as stated in Para (1) and (2) above, is in addition to the existing procedure.
4. A confirmation regarding compliance of the aforementioned guidelines may also be sent to the Commission at quarterly intervals.
(Rajiv Verma)
Officer on Special Duty
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