Providing list of organizations covered under the administrative control of ministries/ departments of Govt. of India: CVC Circular No. 18/09/21
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-10023
No. 021/CVO/01
Dated 17.09.2021
Circular No. 18/09/21
Subject: Providing list of organizations covered under the administrative control of ministries/ departments of Govt. of India- regd.
The Central Vigilance Commission has decided to have a comprehensive database of Central Govt. organizations. Therefore, all the ministries/departments of Govt. of India are requested to provide to the Commission, a list of all such organizations, which are under their administrative control.
2. Further, it may be noted that Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), vide their Office Memorandum No. 399/2010-AVD-III (Part-II) dated 15.01.2019 (copy enclosed) has clarified that Central Vigilance Commission shall have jurisdiction over such organizations, where “in a combination of the Central Government, one or more State Government, one or more government Companies and one or more corporations owned or controlled by the Central Government/State Government, the cumulative share of the Central Government is not less than 51% of the paid up share capital”. In view of the DoPT’s O.M., the list of organizations to be provided by the ministries/departments should include those organizations also, where the cumulative share of Central Govt. is not less than 51%, as specified in the DoPT’s O.M. dated 15.01.2019 mentioned above.
3. The information sought by the Commission in paras (1) and (2) above 3 to be submitted in the formats enclosed as Annexure-A and Annexure-B to this circular.
4. All ministries/departments may also nominate a ‘Nodal’ Officer, who can be contacted for exchange of communication on this aspect, as and when required. The contact details, i.e., Phone No., Email ID etc. of the ‘Nodal’ Officer may be provided to the Commission.
5. The above information, duly signed by an authorized person, may be provided to the Commission through a written communication or through email (preferably through email) at email id evo[dot]iem[dash]cvc[at]gov[dot]in, latest by 30.09.2021.
(Rajiv Verma)
Officer on Special Duty
Encl.: As above.
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