Payment of family pension, gratuity and other dues to the family on the death of a Railway servant during service
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board
RBA No.:- 37 / 2021
No. 2020 / AC-II / 21/ 3
New Delhi dated : 05.07.2021
General Managers ,
All Zonal Railways/ PUs
Sub:- Payment of family pension, gratuity and other dues to the family on the death of a Railway servant during service.
Ref:- Board ‘s letter no. D-43/ 43/ 2020-F(E)III dated 04.06.2021 (RBE No. 35/2021)
Attention is invited to Board’s letter ibid wherein instructions have been issued for expeditious payment of family pension and death gratuity to the family members of the Government servant who had died in the recent surge of the Covid -19 pandemic. in pursuance of DOP&PW’s O.M. dated 3.6.2021. These instructions inter alia envisage submission of details of settled cases by 10th of every month in the following format:-
Name and designation of the employee died since 1.1.2020 | Date on which provisional family pension and provisional gratuity has been sanctioned | Date on which PPO was issued | Date on which other entitlements have been paid | Reasons for delay, if any and remedial action taken to avoid such delay in future |
It is, therefore, requested to ensure submission of the above said information to Board’s Office by 5th of every month so that same could be sent to DOP&PW in time.
(Ajay Bartwal)
Joint Director Finance/ CCA
Railway Board
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