Clarification on ceiling of basic pay for entitlement of payment of Night Duty Allowance (NDA)
कार्यालय, रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक
उलान बटार रोड, पालम, दिल्ली छावनी – 110010
Office of the Controfler General of Defence Accounts
File No. : AT/Army-BR/A/Civ/2366/NDA/Vol-I
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cante 1100110
Dated: 24th Jun 2021
The All Regional PCoDA/CDA,
Subject: Clarification on ceiling of basic pay for entitlement of payment of Night Duty Allowance (NDA)
Ref: IHQ of MoD (N) letter No. CP(P)/3154 dated 30.03.2021.
Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations made by the 7h Central Pay Commission on the subject of Night Duty allowance, the Department of Personnel & Training has issued instructions vide their OM No. A-27016/02/2017-Estt. (AL) dated 13th July 2020 in supersession of DoP&T OM No 12012/4/86-Estt(Allowance) dated 04.10.1989 and No. 15020/2/92-Estt (Allowances) dated 04.04.1994.
2. Para 1(iv) of the DoPT OM dated 13.07.2020 states that the ceiling of basic pay for entitlement of Night Duty Allowance shall be Rs. 43600/- per month.
3. IHQ of MoD has raised a point of doubt whether payment of Night Duty Allowance is entitled only to such of the central government staff whose basic pay is upto Rs 43600/- OR those getting higher basic pay will also be entitled for payment of night duty allowance by restricting the amount to ceiling limit of Rs. 43600/-.
4. In view of above, it is requested to intimate the practice being followed in the offices under your audit jurisdiction in payment of Night Duty Allowance (NDA).
5. A reply in this regard may be furnished to HQrs office by 29.06.2021 positively through e-mail.
(Gita Nair)
Sr. Accounts Officer (Army/BR)
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