Pension : Implementation of SPARSH for Defence Civilian Pensioners: PCDA (P) Circular No. C-215 dated 20-04-2021
O/o The Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension),
Draupadighat, Allahabad — 211014
Circular No. C-215
Dated: 20.04.2021.
(All Head of Department under Min. of Defence)
Sub:- Implementation of SPARSH for Defence Civilian Pensioners.
SPARSH system is being rolled out for Defence Civilian Organisations and Pension sanction through SPARSH for Defence Civilian in respect of DAD, JS & CAO, Coast Guard, DRDO and OFB is already functional.
In this regard, it is intimated that SPARSH is available in “Jeevan Pramaan’” as PDA for enabling SPARSH Pensioners to perform their identification by Digital Life Certificate.
HQrs offices vide their letter No. PENS-5702/3/2020-PENS dt.17.03.2021 has directed to use Jeevan Pramaan as Primary Method to register pensioners life certificate. The Manual life certificate should be used only in exceptional circumstances where pensioner is not willing to use Aadhaar for identification. A guide for use of Jeevan Pramaan is enclosed for guidance please.
In view of the foregoing, suitable instructions (alongwith copy of this circular) may be issued to all the Head of Offices under your administrative control to ensure the compliance of above provisions.
(Dr. Durga Lal Meena)
Jt. CDA (P)
File No. PENS-5702/3/2020-PENS
Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt – 110010
Dated: 17th March, 2021
Shri-Himanshu Tripathi, IDAS
Dy. CDA (P) ;
PCDA (P) Allahabad
Sub: implementation of SPARSH for Defence Civilian Pensioners.
SPARSH is presently being rolled out for five Defence Civilian Organisation viz. DAD, JS &CAQ, Coast Guard, OFB and DRDO. Air Force has also been onboarded onto SPARSH from Feb.2021. In order to handle the initial hiccups of rollout WhatsApp groups are being created for each organization separately and queries are being responded presently by CGDA/TCS team.
2. in order to institutionalize this process, it is requested to appoint nodal officers for each organisation onboarded. The nodal officer will be responsible for responding to all queries pertaining to onboarding of users, processing of claims etc. and also follow up of completion of subsequent activities viz. PDV/identification etc. to ensure timely payment to pensioners. Details of nodal officer viz. name, rank, mobile number, email ID may be shared for further transmission to user organizations. The queries raised in groups/support request may also be monitored locally on a daily basis by the Nodal officer to ensure timely resolution of queries, Changes if any required may be reported to TCS for analysis and incorporation.
3. It is further intimated that SPARSH is available in Jeevan Pramaan as PDA for enabling SPARSH pensioners to perform their identification by Digital Life Certificate. It is requested to issue necessary instructions to all HODs/HOOs working on SPARSH to use Jeevan Pramaan as primary method to register pensioners lite certificate. The manual life certificates should be used only in exceptional scenarios where pensioner is not willing to use Aadhaar for identification. A guide for use of Jeevan Pramaan by offices as well as pensioners may also be circulated A copy of these instructions may be uploaded on PCDA (P) as well as SPARSH portal and shared with HQrs CGDA office.
This issues with the approval of the Jt. CGDA (Pension).
[Mohit Sharma]
Sr. ACGDA (Pension)
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