Re-engagement of retired Railway employees in exigencies of service
RBE No.113/2020
No.E(NG)II/2020/RC-4/2 (Pt.2)
New Delhi dated, 22.12.2020
The General Manager (P)
All Indian Railways/PUs
(As per Standard mail list)
Sub: Re-engagement of retired Railway employees in exigencies of service
Ref: (1) Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1 dated 28.11.2019 (RBE No.207/2019).
(2) Railway Board’s letter E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1(Pt.) dated 10.07.2020 (RBE No.52/2020).
Engagement of retired employees had been allowed on Railways vide Board’s letter 28.11.2019 referred to above. Instructions were also issued vide Board’s letter dated 10.07.2020 to review services of all such employees.
2. The matter has since been reviewed further. It has been decided that no retired employees should be re-engaged following expiry of this Scheme on 02.12.2020. These instructions do not cover only staff engaged in para-medical category which has been allowed upto 31.12.2020 vide Railway Board’s letter No. No. E(NG)II/2005/RC-4/SC/2Pt 1 dated 01.07.2020.
Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board
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