Regarding Ex-gratia payment
No.ECoR/Pers/Wel/ Policy/Ex-gratia
Dated: 15.12.2020
Sr. Divisional Personnel Officer
East Coast Railway
Sambalpur Division.
Sub:- Ex-gratia payment – Regarding.
Ref: Your letter No. DRM(P)/SBP/WeliEx-eratia, dated- 27.0.2019.
In reference to the letter cited above, it is mention that, the suggestion given by SBP division to rationalize the policy of ex-gratia was put-up to the competent authority and it has been decided that:
A) Immediate ex-gratia of Rs. 15000/- need not he paid in advance, however, full amount of Rs. 25,00,000% may be given after sanction of DRM in consultation with associate finance.
Commercial circular No. 2011/TC-III/27/29/Ex-gratia, issued on July 26, 2012 may not be linked to ex-gratis. circular issued by Welfare Directorate, Railway Board.
B) Personnel department will process for payment of lump-sum ex-gratia as per JPO
C) As per JPO circulated vide this office letter No. ECoR/Pers/Wel/Ex-gratia/JPO/02/12, dated 09.07.2012 and clarification given by the PFA and PCPO, dated- 12.03.2019 and 30.04.2019 respectively, in the case of Late Shankar Chandra Sagar, Ex Tech-II/SBP, payment of lump-sum ex-gratia may be sanctioned to the families of Railway servants who died in harness in the performance of his bonafide official duties.
D) Similar cases may lie dealt as per (C) above.
It is for our information and necessary action.
(R.N.A Parida)
Chairman RRC/BBS
for Principal Chief Personnel Officer
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