Mandatory utilization of network of BSNL & MTNL for internet / broadband / landline / leased line by all Ministries / Departments – DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(PO Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001
Dated 07.12.2020
No 27-16/2020-PO
All Heads of Circles
Subject: Mandatory utilization of network of BSNL & MTNL for internet / broadband / landline / leased line by all Ministries / Departments – reg.
Please find enclosed herewith copy of DO letter no 2-11/2020-EB-I, dated 26.10.2020 from Chairman & Managing Director. New Delhi, along with office Memorandum No. 24 (3) /E. Coord /2018 dated 04.09.2020 from US (E. Cord). Department of Expenditure. Ministry of Finance which empowers Department of Telecommunications to issue necessary instructions to all concerned to use BSNL / MTNL telecom network as approved by the Union Cabinet. In furtherance of OM Department of Telecom issued an Office Memorandum vide No. 19-1/2019-SU-I dated 12.10.2020 to all Ministries / Department reiterating the OM issued by Department of Expenditure on the subject as mentioned above.
2 In this regard, it is informed that now it is mandatory to utilize the BSNL / MTNL network for Internet / broadband. landline and leased line requirement. Order as intimated in the enclosures can directly be issued on nomination basis for the aforesaid telecom requirement. For issues related to Network, PMU Division will issue separate guidelines.
3. This issues with approval of competent authority.
(Sukriti Gupta)
Assistant Director General (PO)
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