Railway Board : Merger of Vijaya Bank with Bank of Baroda
File No.2015/AC-II/21/11
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board
RBA NO.83 /2020
No. 2015/AC-II/21/11
New Delhi dated:26.10.2020
Pr. Financial advisors,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Sub:- Merger of Vijaya Bank with Bank of Baroda.
Ref:- Bank of Baorda’s letter No. GB/Delhi/Merger:433 dated 14.10.2020.
Bank of Baroda has confirmed that integration of Vijaya Bank with Bank of Baroda has since been successfully completed and pension for the month of Sep’2020 to the Railway Pensioners (who were hitherto drawing pension from Vijaya Bank) has been disbursed by Bank of Baroda (copy enclosed). A detailed list of pensioners containing updated Account Numbers and Branch (Vijaya Bank) has been provided to the Zonal Railways/PUs by the Bank of Baroda.
Accordingly, corresponding records pertaining to these pensioners held at Zonal Railways / PUs may be updated in all respects. Future correspondence in respect of pensioners who were hitherto drawing pension from Vijaya Bank may henceforth be sent to CPPC/Bank of Baroda, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat (BSR 0203244). Zone wise consolidated pension debit scrolls (including Vijaya Bank ) which shall now be provided by CPPC/Bank of Baroda may be verified for settlement of pension debits.
Due diligence may be exercised while updating the records and settlement of pension debits to avoid hardships to the pensioners in future.
May please note and notify all concerned.
DA:As above
(V. Prakash)
Joint Director Accounts
Railway Board
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