Central autonomous body employee’s Bonus issues

Long-standing Bonus issues of CAB employees

The employees of Autonomous Bodies are expecting finance Ministry to release festival bonus on time, while the same has been granted to railway, postal and other central government employees.

There are about more than 400 Central Autonomous bodies functioning under the direct control and supervision of various Central Government Ministries. The Employees of these Autonomous bodies are governed by the Rules and Regulations applicable to Central government Employees.

Unfortunately, Government denied Bonus from the year 2015 – 16 onwards. The reason stated is that Finance Ministry has issued instructions to all Ministries to stop Bonus to Autonomous body employees as they are not Central Government Employees. The reason stated for denial of Bonus by Finance Ministry is quite technical. In fact the Autonomous body employees are granted all the benefits of Central Government Employees including Bonus. Sudden stoppage and denying the benefit of Bonus, which the employees got all these years, does not appear to be proper and justified.

This has created widespread confusion in the administrative circles of (central autonomous bodies)CABs. This year also, no orders have been issued in this regard for the employees of CABs.

So Central autonomous body employees request the Hon’ble Finance Minister’s personal intervention in this case , so that instructions will be issued to all Ministries to restore Bonus to Autonomous body Employees with immediate effect. Action may also be taken to grant arrears of eligible Bonus from 2015 -16 onwards. so the government should fix a date to resolve the long-standing issue of the employees.

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