Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bat Puraskar-2021
(Min. of HRD, Deptt. of Education, Govt. of India)
18-Institutional Area
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
110016 /NEW DELHI – 110016
Tel: 26858566-211, Fax No.26514179
F.11029 /64-1/ 2020/KVS(HQ)/Acad/ MISC Ministry
The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Office
Sub:- Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bat Puraskar-2021-reg
I am to refer to Letter No F.CW-I-19019/8/2020-CW-1 dated 24.08.2020 received from Under Secretary, Ministry of Women and Child Development, New Delhi on the cited subject above.
Ministry of Women and Child Development has instituted the Awards to felicitate meritorious children, individuals and institutions of the country. These awards are given ‘under two categories- i.e dial, Shakti Puraskar and Bal Batlyan Puraskar.
Bal Shakti Puraskar- its aims to give recognition to children who have achieved extraordinarily in various fields including innovation, scholastic, sports, arts & culture, social -serivce and bravery.
Bal Kalyan Purekar- it is given as recognition to Individuals and institutions, who have made an outstanding contribution towards service for children in the field of child development, child protection and child welfare.
These awards are given by the Hon’ble President of India in Darbal Hall, Rashtrapati Bhavan on week preceding Republic Day every year. Hon’ble Prime Minister of In also felicitates the awardees. The awardee of Bal Shakti Puraskar also take part in Republic Day Parade on the 26th of January in Rajpath, New Delhi.
The detailed guidelines of the same is available on Online application forms submitted by applicants will, be entertained. Forms submitted through any other mode will not be considered. for the awards. This year the last date of receipt of application forms has been extended to 15.09.2020.
You are hereby requested to issue necessary directions to the Principals of All Kendriya Vidyalayas under your jurisdiction to give the wide publicity to all the students about these awards and encourage nomination of children.
Yours faithfully
(Piya Thakur)
Joint Commissioner(Acad)
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