Timely submission of the cases for approval of voluntary retirement/resignation
No.K-16/I/2019-Group B-CGA-Part(1)/171
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
O/o Controller General of Accounts
New Delhi, the 2nd September 2020
Sub: Timely submission of the cases for approval of voluntary retirement/resignation.
It is observed that cases requiring approval of appointing authority for voluntary retirement and relaxation regarding curtailment of 3 months notice period in terms of Rule 48, 48-A of CCS (Pension) Rules and under FR 56(k) and 56(m) are received in this office incomplete and late at the fag end of the expiry of the prescribed notice period of three months. Further, the cases so received are devoid of the requisite documents, i.e., no dues Certificate and certificate regarding length of qualifying service rendered and vigilance clearance certificate. As a result, this office is left with a very short period for processing the request for seeking approval of the competent authority resulting in delay in obtaining the approval.
2. To facilitate timely processing of such cases by the field offices a proforma check list has been prepared. All Principal Accounts Offices are requested that, henceforth, the notice for voluntary retirement must reach to this office invariably with the annexed proforma enclosed herewith duly filled in, within ten working days of receipt of the notice for voluntary retirement from the officer concerned.
3. PrCCAs/CCAs/CAs are requested to direct their Principal Accounts Offices for compliance of the same.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Kulbir Singh)
Sr.Accounts Officer
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