Delegation of powers regarding sanction of air travel to DRM/Ferozpur Division/NR
New Delhi, dated 25.08.2020
The General Manager,
Northern Railway,
Baroda House,
New Delhi.
Sub: Delegation of powers regarding sanction of air travel to DRM/Ferozpur Division/NR in r/o officers posted in connection with USBRL Project.
Ref: (i) Northern Railway’s letter No.98-G/Model SOP/RB/Corrs./2019-20, dt.20.07.2020.
(ii) Board’s letters No. F(E)I/2016/AL-28/68, dt. 09.11.2016 & 2017/Trans/01/Policy, dt. 09.01.2018.
In terms of Board’s letter of even number dated. 09.11.2016, DRM/Ferozpur Division/NR was delegated powers for sanctioning to & fro air travel from Amiritsar/Jammu Srinagar, in connection with USBRL Project for all branch officers working under his administrative control, with personal concurrence of Sr.DFM/FZR for the period of 02 years w.e.f. 09.11.2016 under certain terms & conditions.
In the meantime, vide Board’s letter No 2017/Trans/01/Policy, dated 09.01.2018, these powers were extended for all officers working under the administrative control of DRM/Ferozpur including Junior and Senior Scale officers. Also, it was approved to include journey between Chandigarh and Srinagar under this delegation of powers. This was agreed to as a special case for a period of 02 years w.e.f. 09.01.2018 i.e. upto 09.01.2020.
It has now been decided with the approval of Board (FC & CRB) that the above mentioned delegation of powers to DRM/Ferozpur/Northern Railway for sanctioning to & fro journey between Amritsar/Jammu/Chandigarh and Srinagar in connection with USBRL Project to all officers working under his administrative control including Junior and Senior Scale officers, with personal concurrence pf Sr.DFM/FZR, may be extended for a further period of Two (02) years beyond 09.01.2020 or till the completion of USBRL Project, whichever is earlier.
Other terms & conditions / instructions issued vide Board’s above referred letters dated 09.11.2016 & 09.01.2018 will remain unchanged.
(Jitendra Kumar)
Dy. Director Finance (Estt.),
Railway Board.
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