Proposal for Medical Insurance for railway employees – AIRF

Medical Insurance for railway employees


6th Aug, 2020

Railway Board
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub- Proposal for Medical Insurance for railway employees.

Your letter No- E(W) 2020/Misc/Dashboard-Insurance dated 04/08/2020 has been not been received till date in our AIRF office and has been forwarded to me by one of our divisional secretary today. We don’t know who has formed this committee and for what and without telling us terms and refrences as well as the letter you expect reply within two days. This is not the way of functiong of IR and hope you will imediately withdraw this letter.

We want that on this subject a Joint Meeting should be called where everything should be explained transparetly then only Federations should be asked for suggetions.

I hope Board will take this letter seriousely and will not appoint such committee in isolation without counseling organised labour.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary

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