Requested to allow CG employees & their families for treatment under Central Government Health Scheme

Grant of Permission for treatment of COVID-19 infected CG Employees in all Hospitals

Ref: CONFD/CGHS/2020-21

Dated: 25.07.2020


The Cabinet Secretary,
Government of India,
Rashtrapati Bhawan
New Delhi

Sub:- Grant of Permission for treatment of COVID-19 infected Central Govt.Employees in all Hospitals.


You must be aware that the health care system in west Bengal has broken down completely to face the spread of pandemic due to COVID 19 virus. Along with common people Central Government employees too are dying for unavailability of proper treatment in time.

Most unfortunately, most of the CGHS empanelled hospitals are refusing admission under CGHS coverage, employees were forced to borrow lakhs of rupees to get themselves and their family members treated as the hospitals are charging exorbitant rates for such treatment which is quite unexpected.

Moreover, regularly our members are getting infected while in transit to and from office in public vehicles. Hence, no. of COVID 19 patients amongst Central Government employees are increasing on a regular basis. Some of our leaders from associated organizations have already died and some are struggling to find out treatment in proper hospitals.

In this circumstances we would like to request you to kindly to cause instructions to Ministry of Health and family welfare to issue instructions to all private hospitals throughout the country authorised by the state Government for COVID treatment including the isolation centres, makeshift hospitals etc. build by the sponsorship of State Governments, municipal authorities or development authorities to allow Central Government employees and their families for treatment under Central Government Health Scheme, in addition to this a binding instruction should be given to all CGHS empanelled hospitals not to refuse a single case of admission of Central Government employees.

we fervently request you to kindly help us by giving instruction to Ministry of Health and family welfare to issue circular to the above narrated effect and oblige.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,

(R.N. Parashar)
General Secretary

Source: Confederation

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