Railways : Engagement of para-medical categories in Group ‘C’ on contract basis for a period of 1 month

Railways : Engagement of para-medical categories in Group ‘C’ on contract basis for a period of 1 month


No. E (NG)II/2005/RC-4/SC/2

New Delhi, dated 28/03/2020

The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
CORE/Allahabad & Metro Railway, Kolkata.

Sub: Engagement of para-medical categories in Group ‘C’ on contract basis.

Keeping in view the outbreak of Corona Virus disease, instructions had been issued vide Board’s letter of even No. dated 18.03.2020 extending the Scheme of hiring of Paramedical Categories in Group ‘C’ on Contract basis for a further period of six months beyond 31.03.2020, i.e. upto 30.09.2020 subject to stipulation that total regular staff on roll and contractual engagement will not exceed the sanctioned strength of the cadre.

2. Keeping in view the pandemic situation because of the outbreak of Corona Virus disease, it apprehended that extra Paramedical staff will be required for handling the enormous rush expected in few weeks. Therefore, to meet the situation, it has been decided to authorise General Manager/CAO/DRMs to engage retired Paramedical staff up to age of 65 years or to hire Paramedical staff on Contract basis for a period of one month over and above the sanctioned strength of the cadre depending upon the requirement. This is purely a temporary measure and after expiry of one month, the status quo ante will be restored with regard to total strength and delegation of power unless extended by further orders.

3 The concurrence of the Associate Finance at Railway/PU/Divisional Level may be obtained before resorting to engagement in terms of these instructions.

4 This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board).

For Principal Executive Director (Rectt) & EDE(N)
Railway Board

Signed Copy

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