Procedure for expenditure on COVID related activities on Railways – RBA No. 35/2020

Procedure for expenditure on COVID related activities on Railways – RBA No. 35/2020


RBA No. 35/2020


New Delhi, dated 01.04.2020

General Managers, PFAs
All Indian Railways including Production Units etc

Sub: Accounting procedure for expenditure on COVID related activities on Railways.


Central Government has expressed intent to provide funds from General Exchequer, to support some of the COVID-19 related expenditure of Indian Railways, during 2020-21. The activities under consideration are

  • Setting up Isolation Wards
  • Conversion of Railway coaches into isolation wards and medical units
  • O&M expenses on of these converted coaches
  • Additional Medicines for COVID
  • Sanitization and Cleaning
  • Personal Protection Kits (PPE)
  • Other Equipment viz ventilators etc

2 The modalities of the scheme, of providing the funds to Railway, are under finalisation. In the interim, the following accounts heads are hereby introduced in Classification of Revenue Expenditure vide ACS No.147 to Indian Railways Finance Code Vol II (copy enclosed), for separate identification of the expenditure on COVID 19 activities: Abstract N-Demand 12- Suspense (Sub Major Head 10):

Minor Head Sub head Detailed Head
100-Suspense 130-COVID expenditure 131- Conversion of Railway coaches in to
isolation wards and medical units
132- Conversion of Railway coaches in
to isolation wards and medical units
133- Setting up Isolation Wards
“134-Personal Protection Kits (PPE),
135-Additional Medicines for COVID
136-Sanitization and Cleaning
138- Others
allocation head 12-800)
allocation head 12-830)
Corresponding allocation heads 12-831 to 838)

4. The Railways departments may book COVID-19 related expenditure in the above head of account, operating primary units as per relevant object of expenditure.

5. Procedure for clearance of suspense, for expenditure to be borne against funds from General Exchequer / Railways’ Grants, shall be advised on finalisation of modalities of receipt of funds/ transfer of expenditure to Central Government.

Kindly acknowledge receipt and ensure compliance.

(Sanjeev Sharma)
Director Finance/ Accounts
Railway Board

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