Handling of Public Grievances pertaining to COVID – 19 in Ministries / Departments of Government of India : CGDA
Office of the CGDA,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt. – 10
Grievance Cell
No. AN/Grievance/Report/Meeting/Vol. VIII
Dated: 07/04/2020
1. The PcsDA / CsDA / PCA (Fys) / CsFA (Fys)/PIFAs/IFAs/CDA (RTCs)
2. All Sections of HQrs Office.
Sub.: Handling of Public Grievances pertaining to COVID – 19 in Ministries / Departments of Government of India.
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (Public Grievance Division) vide their OM No. S-15/4/2020-DARPG (C.No.6594) dated 30.03.2020 has issued directions for handling public grievances pertaining to COVID-19 in Ministries / Departments of Government of India.
2. The main points of directions are given as below: –
(i). Every Department / Ministry shall appoint a designated Nodal Officer for handling COVID — 19 Public Grievances. The name, phone number and email ID of the designated Nodal Officer shall be placed on the website of the concerned Department / Ministry.
(ii). Every Department / Ministry website shall have a separate field in CPGRAMS to cater to COVID-19 grievances for more focused tracking, monitoring, and disposal of public grievances.
(iii). Considering the importance of prompt redressal of such grievances, every Department / Ministry shall pay high priority and will closely monitor COVID-19 public grievance redressal on their respective Dashboard.
(iv). In Departments / Ministries where CPGRAMS version 7.0 has been implemented, mapping of the COVID-19 grievances shall be done to the last mile grievances officers.
(v). Considering the urgency and importance of redressal of COVID-19 grievances, it shall be incumbent on every Ministry / Department to prioritize for expeditious quality addressal of these grievances at the earliest preferably within a timeline of 3 days to provide redressal.
3. It is requested that directions of the ministry may be complied with and compliance report with respect to points 2 (i) may be forwarded to official e-mail ID of cgda Office i.e. cgda@nic.in within 2 days.
4. Copy of the DARPG OM dated 30.03.2020 is enclosed herewith for ready reference.
This issues with the approval of CGDA.
(Vinod Kumar Goel)
ACGDA (Grievance Officer)
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