Revision of pension of Pre-01.01.2006 retiree Havildar granted Hony Rank of Nb Subedar – Circular No. 631
Circular No. 631
Dated: 05.03.2020
1. The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. Of Govt, Bank Accounts, Central Office C-7, Second Floor, Bandre- Kurla Complex, P B No. 8143, Bandre East Mumbai- 400051
2. All CMDs, Public Sector Banks.
3. The Nodal Officers, ICICI/ HDFC/ AXIS/ IDBI Banks
4. All Managers, CPPCs
5. Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal
6. The PCDA (WC), Chandigarh
7. The CDA (PD), Meerut
8. The CDA Chennai
9. The Director of Treasuries, All States
10. The Pay and Accounts Officer, Delhi Administration, R K Puram and Tis Hazari, New Delhi.
11. The Pay and Accounts Office, Govt of Maharashtra, Mumbai
12. The Post Master Kathua (J&K) and Camp Bell Bay.
13. The Principal Pay and Accounts Officer Andaman and Nicobar Administration Port Blair.
Subject: – Revision of pension of Pre-01.01.2006 retiree Havildar granted Hony Rank of Nb Subedar.
Reference: – Circular No. 415 dated 22.07.2009.
Reference is invited to the GoI, MoD letter No. 1(8)/2008-D(Pen/Policy) dated 12th June 2009 under which Honorary rank of Naib Subedar granted to Havildars has been notionally considered as a promotion to the higher grade of Naib Subedar and benefit of fitment in the pay band and the higher grade pay has been allowed notionally for the purpose of fixation of service pension only. This provision was applicable for Havildars granted Hony Rank of Naib Subedar retired on or after 01.01.2006.
2. MoD has issued the required order vide GoI, MoD letter No. 1(13)/2016/D(Pen/Policy) dated 21.02.2020 as per direction of Hon’ble Court extending the provision of GoI, MoD letter No. 1(8)/2008-D(Pen/Policy) dated 12th June 2009 w.e.f. 01.01.2006 to Pre-2006 retiree Havildars who were granted Hony rank of Naib Subedars. Accordingly afresh revision table for Havildar granted Hony Rank of Nb Subedar pre-2006 retiree is issued for rates w.e.f. 01.01.2006, 01.07.2009 & 24.09.2012 as Annexure ‘A’ of this MoD letter replacing existing columns of tables of GoI, MoD letter dated 08.03.2010 and 17.01.2013 applicable w.e.f. 01.07.2009 and 24.09.2012 respectively for this rank. A copy of GoI, MoD letter dated 21.02.2020 along with table is attached with this circular which is self explanatory.
3. The Govt. has authorized PDAs to make the payment of pension/arrear in the affected cases of Pre-01.01.2006 Havildars granted Hony rank of Naib Subedars without any further authorization. Therefore all PDAs are requested to review all the affected cases of Pre-2006 Havildars granted Hony rank of Naib Subedar and revise their pension w.e.f. 01.01.2006, 01.07.2009 and 24.09.2012 as per rates of this order. The due drawn statement may please be prepared and pay the arrear due in this regard to all the affected pensioner under intimation to this office in soft data to Officer In-Charge Audit Section.
4. As revised table is available for Qualifying Service 15 years & more. Therefore pension of Hony rank of Nb Subedars who are in receipt of Special Pension, Invalid Pension and Service element of Disability Pension for less than 15 years of Qualifying Service will be revised by this office through Corr. PPO. An Annexure ‘B’ attached to this Circular may please be submitted to RO concerned in these cases so that RO may initiate the claim for issue of Corr. PPO in this regard.
5. All other terms and condition shall be applied as per various paras of this govt. order as well as the existing provisions on the issue.
6. This circular has been uploaded on this office website
7. Hindi version will follow.
(Sushil Kumar Singh)
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