PCDA Circular : Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
www.pcdapension.nic.in e-maiil :cda-albd@nic.in
EPBAX Tel (0532) 2421877, 2421879, 2421880
Important Circular
No- AN-II/Cocid-19/2020
dated 23.03.2020
Subject: Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
In supersession of DOP&T OM dated 19.03.2020 conveyed vide HQrs Office letter F.No-AN/III/ 3012/Circular/Vol.VIII dated 19.03.2020 circulated vide this office letter dated 20.03.2020, the following further instructions are issued.
2. As per the latest order issued vide DOP&T OM F.No.11013/9/2014-Estt.(A-III) dated 22.03.2020 and declaring the complete Lockdown in Prayagraj by the State Government of Uttar Pradesh w.e.f. 23.03.2020 to 25.03.2020, all the Group officers/Officer-in-Charge of the Sections may draw up a Roster of Staff (all Officers and employees including contract and outsourced employees) who are required to render essential services. They alone may be asked to attend the office from 23.03.2020 till further order. In other words, the office should function with skeletal staff. Officials who are working from home should be available on telephone and electronic means of communication at all times. They should attend office, if called for, in case of any exigencies of work.
3. The competent authority has directed that the above instructions may be complied with by the Group officers/Officer-in-Charge of the Sections. The GOs and Officer-in-Charge shall ensure that all necessary, important and urgent work relating to Budget expenditure including salary and other contingent are done properly and in due time. The Officer-in-Charge of all Grants Section including Disbursement Section and CPDS may please prepare the roster in such a way that Processing of claims (Superannuation Pension claim in r/o Officers/PBORs and Civilians who are going to be retire in Mar 2020) and SBI CMP etc. do not get hampered.
4. Officer-in-Charge of Admin IV Section and Caretaker shall also ensure adequate watch and ward cleanliness, safely measures and other essential services in the office. Minimum essential staff for these purpose may be called to the office.
5. This order shall be applicable with immediate effect and will remain in force till further order.
6. This issues with approval of PCDA(I/C).
(Navpreet Kaur)
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