Holding of Railway Week National Function at Patna & Regional Functions at Srinagar, Chennai & Guwahati

Holding of Railway Week National Function at Patna & Regional Functions at Srinagar, Chennai & Guwahati

Government Of India
Ministry Of Railways
Railway Board

No. 2020/O&M/12/4/2

Dated:- 09/03/2020

General Manager,

Sub: 65th Railway Week Function, 2020.
(Kind Attn: DGM/G- ECR, NR, NFR and SR)

Attention is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 17.02.2020 and 27.02.2020 regarding holding of Railway Week National Function at Patna and Regional Functions at Srinagar, Chennai and Guwahati.

2. In view of the prevailing circumstances, all the functions scheduled to be held on 4th, 12th, 19th and 26th April, 2020 stands postponed. Fresh date and time would be advised in due course.

3. The above issues with the approval of the competent authority.

(V.N. Singh)
Under Secretary/O&M
Railway Board

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