RBE No.07/2020 : Stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors appointed prior to 01.01.2006

RBE No.07/2020 : Stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors appointed prior to 01.01.2006

(Railway Board)


RBE No.07/2020
New Delhi; dated: 27.01.2020

The General Managers (P)/CAOs,
All Indian Railways
and Production Units etc.

Sub : Stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors appointed prior to 01.01.2006 at par with their junior appointed after 01.01.2006 and drawing more pay than the seniors.

The issue of allowing stepping up of pay to senior Loco Inspectors appointed prior to 01.01.2006 at par with their junior appointed after 01.01.2006 and drawing more pay than the seniors has been under consideration for quite some time pursuant to dismissal of several SLPs on this issue by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in limine at the admission stage itself without going into merit of the case. The Federations have also raised this issue in PNM Forum as well as in DC/JCM Forum (item No.10/2012) demanding stepping up in such cases due to dismissal of SLPs. In view of the persistent dismissal of the SLPs by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India though without going into merit of the case or disputing any of the statutory provisions in this regard, the Board has considered the matter and with a view to obviate repeated/multiple litigations Board has decided, as a special dispensation, to allow stepping up of pay to senior Loco Inspectors appointed prior to 01.01.2006 at par with their juniors appointed after 01.01.2006 who are identically placed to the employees involved in the following cases:-

Sr. No. SLP(C) No(s). WP No(s). Name of the Hon’ble High Court Name of the applicant(s)
1. 4568/2014 3529/2013 Madras UOI & Ors. Vs. V. Murugesan & Ors.
2. 4569/2014 3528/2013 Madras UOI & Ors. Vs. S. Sakthivel & Ors.
3. 20656/2014 17528/2013 Madras U01 & Ors. Vs. A.R.Muzammil
4. 22931/2014 17145/2013 Madras UOI & Ors. Vs. M. Thiyagarajan
5. 23789/2019 35569/2013 Andhra Pradesh UOI & Ors. Vs. P. Amos
6. 23788/2019 38421/2018 Andhra Pradesh. UOI & Ors. Vs. Chedimela Venkata Sridhar & Ors.
7. 24512/2019 39113/2018 Andhra Pradesh UOI & Ors. Vs. Namburi Surapa Raju & Ors.
8. 25587/2019 47740/2018 Andhra Pradesh U01 & Ors. Vs. B. Ramakrishna & Ors.
9. 33654/2014 OP (CAT) No. 225/2011(Z) Kerala/ Erakulam U01 & Ors. Vs. K.S. Rajendra

2. Attention is further invited to Board’s letter No.E(NG)1-2019/PM 7/5,dt. 14.11.2019 whereby necessary clarifications have been issued with a view to remove the perceived ambiguity in respect of the term “cadre” in context of Loco Running Staff. The Board has further decided that the future cases of stepping up of pay of CLIs may be regulated keeping in view the aforementioned clarifications.

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

Executive Director (PC-I)
Railway Board

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