Handling of notices received from investigation/ enquiry officers of CBI/ Cyber Crime etc. in c/w frauds happened at field Post Offices – DOP
F.No.12-7/2012-PMU (Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Project Management Unit)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 3. 09. 2019
All Heads of Circles
Director, RAKNPA
Army Postal Service Directorate, New Delhi
All Directors, Postal Training Centres
Sub: Regarding handling of notices received from investigation/ enquiry officers of CBI/Cyber Crime etc. in c/w frauds happened at field Post Offices.
This is regarding handling of notices received from investigation/ enquiry officers of CBI/ Cyber Crime etc. in c/w frauds happened at field Post Offices.
In this connection, the matter has been examined by the competent authority and it has been decided that –
“The DDGs/ Divisional Heads at Directorate shall be the facilitators in case of redressal of disputes, grievances, investigation of frauds etc. As the Postmasters could be of different levels of seniority and experience ranging from a BPM to Director’, GPO, the nominated custodian could be the concerned Director/ CPM of GPO/ HO in case of independent units and the Divisional Heads (SSPOs, SPOs, SSRM, SRM etc.), under whose jurisdiction (Post Office/ Mail Office/ BNPL Office/ BPC etc.). the initial Point of Sale (POS) transaction takes place. On the same analogy, in respect of financial transactions involving SB, PLI etc., the custodian could be the Director/ CPM of GPO/ HO or the Divisional Head of the Home Branch. Further, GM (CEPT) shall assist the custodian of data in enabling the retrieval/analysis of data”
This may be brought to the notice of all concerned for their information and compliance
This issues with the approval of Secretary (Posts).
(Neeraj Kumar Jha)
Director (PMU)
Tel.No. 011-23096194
Email: pmu@indiapost.gov.in/
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