Review of charges realised for verification of PNR details – Railways
New Delhi, Dated :18.07.201
The Principal Chief Commercial Managers,
All Zonal Railways.
Sub: Review of charges realised by Indian Railways for verification of PNR details.
Ref: Letter nos. 2006/TG-I/20/13/LTC dated 10.01.2007, 2006/TG-I/20/13/LTC dated 31.08.2010 (CC No. 40 of 2010), 2006/TG-I/20/P/LTC Pt. dated 13.12.2011 (CC No. 65 of 2011)
In supersession of above referred instructions regarding levy of charges for verification of PNR details etc., Competent Authority have now decided to adopt the following procedure for furnishing information regarding verification of journey details:
(i) Individuals seeking information for self travel under RTI Act or otherwise: It should be provided as per provisions of RTI Act subject to submission of identity proof bearing name and date of birth i.e. Aadhar/PAN card etc. to confirm that the person seeking information is one and the same as one of the passengers on the PNR.
(ii) Individuals seeking information for travel of other person under RTI Act or otherwise: Action should be taken as per relevant provisions of RTI Act and information should not be provided unless consent of third party is available. In case of requests not received under RTI Act, no information shall be provided.
(iii) Government Departments seeking information for their employees for the purpose of reimbursement of travel expenditure: It should be provided on realisation of nominal fee of Rs.50/- per PNR only on receipt of official request from the concerned Department.
(iv)Government Investigating Agencies/Courts seeking information in connection with investigation/ Court Case: Status quo may be maintained and information shall be provided free of charge on receipt of official request of the Agency.
2. Authority to provide information and to take charges: Concerned Zonal Railways shall decide on the authority to provide information under this policy and to realise charges.
(Shelly Srivastava)
Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board
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