Proposal for introduction of a Non-Functional Scale of PB-3 with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/- to the posts of Postal Superintendents after completion of 4 years of regular service -DOP
No. 4-3/2018-PCC
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110001
Date: 06.08.2019
All Chief Postmasters General.
CGM, BD / Parcel / PLI Directorate
Director, RAKNPA / All PTCs
Addl. DG, APS, APS Bhawan New Delhi
Sub:- Proposal for introduction of a Non-Functional Scale of PB-3 with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/- to the posts of Postal Superintendents after completion of 4 years of regular service in PB 2nd with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/- -reg.
This is regarding introduction of a Non-Functional Scale of PB-3 with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/- to the posts of Postal Superintendents after completion of 4 years of regular service in PB – 2nd with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-.
2. Various representations were received from the Postal Officers Association for introduction of Non-Functional Scale of PB-3 with Grade Pay Rs 5400/- to the posts of Postal Superintendents after completion of 4 years of regular service in PB – 2nd with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-. In this context, it is informed that the matter has been examined in consultation with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance.
3. Reply received from the Department of Expenditure vide their ID note No. 6J/2019-E.Ill (B) dated 19.07.2019 is reproduced below for information of all concerned:-
“2. Introduction of Non-Functional Scale of PB-2+5400 to the Postal Superintendents after 4 years of regular service in PB-2+4800 was based on the recommendations of the fifth Central Pay Commission. The 7th Pay Commission while considering the need to upgrade the post of Inspector (Posts) from GP 4200 to GP 4600, upgraded other posts in the hierarchy of posts in the Inspector Cadre to maintain difference in pay levels. This included upgradation of the posts of Superintendent (Posts) from the then existing PB-2+ GP 4800 & PB-2 +GP 5400 (after 4 years) to PB-2+GP 5400 (Level-9). This upgradation resulted in early financial benefits to those persons who are promoted to the posts of Superintendent (Posts), who otherwise have got the pay scale after 4 years of regular service.
3. Considering the specific recommendation of the 7th CPC to grant the upgraded pay scale of Level-9 to the post of Superintendent (Posts), there is no justification for introduction of a Non-Functional Scale to this post “
4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(SB Vyavahare)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
Tele No. 011-23096629
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