PCDA Circular No. 626: Grant of Dual Family Pension i.e. OFP from Military Side, SFP/ LFP for re-employed Military service
Circular No: 626
Dated: 19 Aug 2019
The OI/C
Records/PAOs (ORs)
Subject:- Implementation of the Government decision regarding grant of dual family pension i.e. Ordinary family pension (OFP) from Military service as well as Special family pension (SFP)/Liberalised family pension (LFP) for re-employed military service-reg.
Reference:- This office Circular No. circular no. 284 dated 18.09.2001, circular no. 504 dated 17.01.2013, Circular no. 513 dated 19.07.2013
As per Gol, MoD letter No. 01(05)/2010-D(Pen/Policy) dated 17.01.2013 (Cir No. 504 dated 17.01.2013), it was decided that the families of Armed Forces Personnel who got re-employed in Civil Departments/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/Local Funds of Central/State Governments after getting retired from military service and were in receipt of military pension till death, shall be allowed to draw Ordinary Family Pension w.e.f 24.09.2012 from military side in addition to the family pension, if any, authorized from the re-employed civil department subject to fulfillment of other prescribed conditions as hithertofore.
2) It was further clarified vide Gol, MoD letter No. 10(17)/2012- D(Pen/Pol) dated 21.03.2013 (Cir No. 513 dated 19.07.2013) that the dual family pension is allowable irrespective of whether re-employment was in civil or military department and family pensioners of DSC/TA personnel are also covered in the ambit of the Go!, MoD letter No. 01(05)/2010-D(Pen/Policy) dated 17.01.2013.
3) The issue regarding extending the admissibility of SI21)/1.1.1) as dual family pension in case Of death attributable to military service is under consideration to Govt. It is now clarified vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. PC-2(6)/2013-D (Pen/Pol) dated 08.07.2019 that the provision of two family pensions, one in respect of military/civil service and SFP/LFP for re-employed military service is also applicable. SFP/LFP if any, would be admissible in terms Mol) letter no 1(2)/97/1)(Pen-C) dated 31 01 2001 on death of a pension who was re-employed in military service and if his death is attributable to military service, in addition to ordinary family pension in respect of the previous military/civil service with following conditions.
a) Where, however, on death of the re-employed ex-serviceman if the family is eligible for SFP/LFP for first service family pension for second spell of service would he OFP.
b) Special family pension/Liberalised family pension shall be granted only in respect of one service and in no case, SFP/LFP will be granted for both the services.
4)The financial benefits in the past cases will accrue will effect from 24.09 2012
5)This circular has been uploaded on this office website www. pcdapension.nic.in for dissemination across the all concerned.
6) Please acknowledge receipt.
Dated 19.08.2019
Yashasvi Kumar
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