Filing of report for shortage/excess of cash during duty at booking counters – Railways

Filing of report for shortage/excess of cash during duty at booking counters – Railways



New Delhi, dated 27.07.2019

The Principal Chief Commercial Managers,
All Zonal Railways.

Sub:- Filing of report for shortage/excess of cash during duty at booking counters.

Ref:- Paras 708 & 710 of Indian Railway Commercial Manual (Volume I).

Procedure has been provisioned for dealing with shortage/excess of cash found during duty with staff manning booking counters.

Instructions have been issued from to time reiterating guidelines contained in Paras 708 & 710 of Indian Railway Commercial Manual (Volume I). The subject guidelines were deemed satisfactory and no further need was felt for clarification in this regard. However, differential practices are being reported over Zonal Railways in addition to reports of staff being meted out with severe disciplinary action in case of bona fide act of omission/commission.

The procedure mentioned in IRCM apropos shortage/excess of cash during working hours at booking counters is an administrative requirement which would be scrupulously followed. Shortfall/excess do not necessarily connote mala fide intent. Bona fide minor lapses occurred during discharge of duty may be viewed by inspecting supervisors and officials in proper perspective.

However, zero tolerance towards mala fide acts should be promoted and strict watch should be kept on cases of recurrent nature and instances where quantum of shortage/excess is abnormally (high). In exceptional cases booking staff may be taken up under extant provisions only if there is a substantial proof of mala fide intention.

(Neeraj Sharma)
Executive Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board

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