CGA : Absorption of deputationists as Accountant in Central Civil Accounts Service (CCAS)
No. A.11020/1/2014/MF.CGA(A)/112
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
GPO Complex, E-Block, INA
NEW DELHI-110023.
Dated, the 14th August, 2019
Subject: – Absorption of deputationists as Accountant in Central Civil Accounts Service (CCAS) – regarding.
It has been decided to relax the ban imposed on permanent absorption of deputationists as Accountant (CCAS) in force vide CGA’s O.M. No. A-110201/14.2014/MF.CGA(A)/245 dated 23.07.2015, as one-time measure in respect of number of deputaionists not more than 10% of vacancies reported for this office for Combined Graduate level Examination (CGLE) – 2017 or minimum one deputationist and subject to the following conditions and procedure of forwarding of eligible cases:-
(A) Opening of window as one-time measure
The window of giving an option for permanent absorption is opened temporarily as one-time relaxation for the deputationists appointed on deputation as Accountant on the basis of existing recruitment rules of the post, except for those who have filed court case for permanent absorption and the matter is already sub-judice and subject to ceiling of number of deputationists not more than 10% of vacancies reported for CGLE-2017 or minimum one deputationist as mentioned above.
(B) Constitution of the Screening Committee
Each Pr.CCAs/CCAS/CAs shall constitute a Screening Committee in their respective offices for the purpose of Consideration and recommendation of all such eligible deputationists for permanent absorption as Accountant in CCAS;
The Screening Committee constituted for the purpose must submit a certificate with proper justification that “the case(s) recommended for permanent absorption fails under exceptional category, in pubic interest and exceptional circumstances”.
(C) Eligibility criteria/conditions
(i) A deputationist willing for permanent absorption as Accountant in CCAS shall fulfill the eligibility criteria/conditions laid down in the existing recruitment rules of the post of Accountant and guidelines issued by this office vide O.M. No, A.11020/1/2007/RR/1 dated 01.04.2008;
(ii) The deputationists who have completed two years’ requisite service on deputation as on 31.07.2019 shall only be eligible to be considered for permanent absorption as Accountant; and
(iii) A fresh unconditional willingness from the eligible deputationist willing for permanent absorption as Accountant in CCAS.
(D) Requirements for submission of proposal for seeking prior concurrence of the CGA
(i) Each Ministry/Department shall submit a consolidated proposal in respect of deputationists not more than 10% of vacancies reported to this office for Combined Graduate level Examination (CGLE) -2017 or minimum one deputationist and adhering to the existing guidelines issued under this office’s O.M. No. A.11020/1/2007/RR/1 dated 01.04.2008 (copy enclosed) alongwith following requisite information/ documents:-
{a} duly filled in check-list in respect of total deputationists (proforma enclosed at Annexure-I):
(b) duly filled in Curriculum Vitae in respect of each deputationist willing for permanent absorption (proforma enclosed at Annexure-II);
(c) copy of recommendations of the Screening Committee constituted in terms of para (B) above;
(d) fresh “No Objection Certificate’ of parent cadre ministry/ department of the denputationist willing for permanent absorption;
(e) Unconditional willingness of the deputationists as required at para (C){iii) above;
(f) a certificate from an officer not below the rank of CA/Dy.CA/ACA that the reservation policies have been followed/complied with in respect of reserved categories i.e. SC, ST, OBC, PwD etc. as per existing DoPT rules on the subject.
(ii) No request for relaxation in eligibility criteria/conditions shall be forwarded to this office. Further, the incomplete proposals will not be entertained for consideration.
(iii) The last date for submission of a consolidated proposal from Ministry/Department is 31.10.2019. Any proposal received in this office beyond the stipulated date will not be entertained in any case.
2. It is reiterated that the scheme of the rules warrants that primary source of recruitment, namely, SSC should be given its due importance. Deputation/Extension of deputation should be resorted only when it is not possible to get candidates from SSC. Deputation/Extension of deputation should therefore be on year-to-year basis and in meantime the efforts should be continued to get candidates from SSC.
3. Further, the Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs are requested to clearly mention in the appointment letter issued by them to the fresh deputationist that the option of permanent absorption as Accountant in CCAS, Is not available to the said official appointed on deputation basis.
This issues with approval of the Controller General of Accounts.
Encls: as above.
(Suman Bala)
Jt. Controller General of Accounts (Gr.’B’)
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