‘Hunger Strike: 24Hrs. Hunger Fast’ & `Chakka Jam’ by AILICSA on 15th July to 17th July, 2019

‘Hunger Strike: 24Hrs. Hunger Fast’ & `Chakka Jam’ by AILICSA on 15th July to 17th July, 2019


No. 2018/E(LR)II/1/14

New Delhi, Dated 12.07.2019

The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways &
Including PUs etc

Sub: Proposed ‘Hunger Strike:24Hrs. Hunger Fast’ and `Chakka Jam’ by “All India Loco Running Staff Association”(AILICSA) on 15th July to 17th July, 2019.


It has come to notice that AILRSA has given a call for Hunger Strike: 24Hrs Hunger Fast’ and ‘Chakka Jam’ on the issues of (i) Revision of KMA rates as per 1980 formula; (ii) Parity in Pension for Running Staff Pensioners; (iii) Implementation of Safety Committee recommendations; (iv) Retention of Railways in Service sector under the Government; (v) Withdrawal of NPS and restoration of OPS; and (vi) Against the 100 days’ Action Plan for Railway Privatisation; (vii) Issues related to Crew Beat and their working hours etc.

2. In view of aforesaid, there should not be any room for complacency on the part of the Railway administrations and all necessary stringent steps must be taken to ensure discipline and smooth functioning of rail movement. It most he ensured that Railway Servants need to seek necessary permissions from the Competent Authority on their respective Railways/ Production Units to leave their headquarters.

3. Their particular attention should be drawn to relevant penal provisions i.e. Section 173, 174 and 175 of the Railways Act, 1989 which are attracted in cases of abandoning train without authority, obstructing running of train and endangering the safety of persons by disobeying rules etc.

4. In case any Railway Servant participates in the aforementioned protests including ‘Hunger Strike’, ‘Chukka Jam’ etc, a report indicating the number of Railway Servants who took part in such protests should be conveyed to Board’s office on the evening of 15th , 16th and 17th July, 2019.

(Alok Kumar)
Executive Director Estt.(IR)
Railway Board

Source: Confederation

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