Dop: clarification regarding ‘Guidelines for transfer’
No. 12-1/2019-SPN-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001
Dated: 24th/27th June, 2019
All Chief Postmasters General / Postmasters General
Chief General Manager, BD Directorate I/Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate
Director, RAKNPA / GM, CEPT / Directors of all PTCs
Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service, New Delhi
All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP
Subject: Rotational transfer -clarification.
I am directed to refer to Directorate’s communication number 141.141/2013-SPN-II dated 17.01.2019 vide which revised ‘Guidelines for transfer’ was circulated to all Postal Circles. References were received from various Postal Circles / Service Associations pointing out some difficulties and seeking clarifications. The references have examined and clarified as under:-
Sl No | Issue raised | Clarification |
1 | Whether continuous service rendered by an employee in different cadres at a particular station is to be counted cumulative for station tenure of 6 years or not. | As per the provision of station tenure, officials who are working at a particular station for a period of 6 years or more has to be transferred/rotated outside that station. Service rendered at a particular station in all cadres (PA, LSG, HSG·II, HSG·I etc.) will be counted for the purpose. |
2 | Whether the rotational transfer will also be followed in RMS Wing | Vide communication no. 12·1/2019-SPN·II dated 07.05.2019 Group ‘C’ RMS officials have been exempted from the provision of 6 years of station tenure. In respect of other officials rotational transfer will apply. |
3 | Exempt the officials appointed on compassionate ground from the condition of probation period or 2 years of regular service while considering their request for transfer under Rule- 38 as they are appointed to support their family. | Officials appointed on compassionate ground are appointed against the vacancy of Direct Recruitment. There is no separate quota of vacancy for compassionate appointment. Therefore, such officials shall not be exempted from the condition of probation period of 2 years of regular service while considering their request for transfer under Rule-38. |
4 | Whether the officials who completed six years of station tenure but not completed post tenure shall be transferred. | Official who completes station tenure of six years but does not complete post tenure will also be transferred as per the guidelines. |
5 | Transfer of officials in city centric Divisions where majority of the officials working in City cannot be accommodated in remam1ng jurisdiction of the Division i.e. outside the city. The application of 6 years of station tenure on Group ‘C’ officials will create so many problems administratively including huge expenditure on TA. | The provision of Station tenure of six years will normally not be enforced to PA I LSG I HSG·II I HSG-I officials except ordered in administrative interest and under exigencies of service. However, if sufficient number of willing officials from a particular station to other station and vice-versa are available, station transfer must be carried out on completion of station tenure of 6 years and in such circumstances official(s) with longest tenure at a particular station will be transferred. |
6 | Application received prior to 17.01.2019. | Transfer request applications received upto 31.12.2018 in respect of earlier guidelines dated 31.07.2018 and transfer request received between 01.01.2019 to 16.01.2019 which has not been processed, shall be treated as to be received between 1st April to 30th June and shall be dealt accordingly. |
7 | Whether temporary transfer can be considered when the disciplinary case lS pending/contemplated? | If any vigilance case I disciplinary proceeding is pending against an official then his/her case shall not be considered for temporary transfer. |
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