Counting of NPA for Pensionary benefits – Haryana Govt.
Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana,
Finance Department.
1. All Heads of Departments, Commissioners of Divisions
2. All the Deputy Commissioners 86 Sub Divisional Officers (Civil) in Haryana.
3. The Registrar, Punjab 84 Haryana High Court, Chandigarh.
Memo No. 2/30/2015-1Pension(FD) (i)
Dated, Chandigarh, the 10.06.2019
Subject: Counting of Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) for Pensionary benefits.
Sir/ Madam,
I am directed to invite your attention to the Finance Department’s (Pay Revision Branch) letter No. 1/ 19/2009-1PR (FD) dated 20.06.2018 and to say that Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) will also be treated as part of pay for pensionary benefits in addition to what has been mentioned in the last para of above letter dated 20.06.2018 and there is no change in the policy instructions already issued vide this department’s letter no. 1/52/2005- 2Pension dated 26.04.2006 and dated 15.09.2006 regarding counting of non practicing allowance for pensionary benefits.
However, the maximum pension including NPA shall not exceed Rs. 112050/- i.e. 50% of the highest pay i.e. Rs. 224100/- as applicable in the State of Haryana (Pay + NPA).
The above order can be downloaded from the website of Finance Department i.e.
Chief Accounts Officer(Pension)
for Addl. Chief Secretary to Government Haryana
Finance Department.
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