Guidelines for extension of CGHS facilities to the retired employees of KVS
F.13-228/2019-20/KVS (BGR)/Acets –
Date: 23.04.2019
The Principal,
Kendriya Vidyalayas,
of Bangalore Region.
E-mail only
Sub:- Guidelines to implement OM Dtd 13.03.2019 for extension of CGHS facilities to the retired employees of KVS – Reg.
Ref: F.11013/06/2017-KVS(HQ)/Admn.II Dtd 22.04.2019
Madam/ Sir
I am to forward a copy of KVS(HQ) circular on the subject cited above which is self explanatory. The details may be uploaded in vidyalaya website for wide circulation and publicity. You are requested to forward duly filled in application form received from the retired employees along with the following documents.
1. Self attested Photo copy of LPC.
2. Pension Payment Order issued by the competent authority.
3. Copy of the Aadhar card.
4. Copy of CGHS Card while in service.
5. Demand draft towards yearly employee contribution as per 7th CPC for the remaining months.
6. Details of family members who were the dependants of the employee as per service records and continuing as such at present.
Yours faithfully,
(D.T.S. RAO)
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