Payment of Dress Allowance to the Station Masters, Traffic Inspectors, Movement Inspectors etc., – Railways
No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC (Imp)/Allowance 2016/Part II
Dated: 08/04/2019
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Payment of Dress Allowance to the Station Masters performing the duties of Yard Masters, Traffic Inspectors, Movement Inspectors etc., on Zonal Railways-reg.
In terms of Railway Board’s orders vide letter No. PC-III/2003/CRC/6 dated 09/10/2003 (RBE No. 177/2003) – Para 10.1, the posts of Station Master, Yard Master, Traffic Inspector, Movement Inspector etc., have been unified with the revised designation as “Station Master”. With the emergence of single category of Station Master, these staff are utilized wherever their services are required as TI or Movement Inspector or Yard Master etc., while their designation being “Station Master or Station Manager”, as the case may be.
The Government of India has accepted the recommendations of 7th CPC and granted Dress Allowance @ Rs. 10,000/- p.m. to the Station Master category in the Railways. It has however been brought to the notice of the Federation that on some Zonal Railways, the Station Masters deployed to perform the duties of Traffic Inspector/Movement Inspector etc., are denied payment of Dress Allowance on the pretext that they are Traffic Inspector/Movement Inspector/Yard Master and not the “Station Masters”. The plea taken by those Zonal Railways is totally wrong considering the fact that there is only one designation of “Station Master” and those designated Station Masters are made to take up different functions. Therefore, denial of Dress Allowance simply because Station Master is working as a Traffic Inspector or Movement Inspector or Yard Master, is highly unjustified.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to kindly issue clarificatory instructions to the GMs of Zonal Railways to ensure payment of Dress Allowance to the Station Master category although some of them are deployed to perform the duties of TI/MI/YM etc.
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
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