Revision of percentage distribution of posts of Track Maintainers – RBE No 44 /2019

Revision of percentage distribution of posts of Track Maintainers – RBE No 44 /2019


No. 2015/CE-1/GNS/2

RBE No 44 /2019
New Delhi, dated 08 -03-2019

The General Managers and CAOs
All Indian Railways / PUS etc.
(As per mailing list)

Sub: Revision of percentage distribution of posts of Track Maintainers.

The issue of revision of existing percentage distribution of posts of Track Maintainers has been raised at various fora by both the recognised Federations (AIRF/NFIR). According’, the matter has been examined and keeping in view the functional, operational and administrative requirements and career progression and working conditions of Track Maintainers, it has been decided by Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) with the approval of the President that percentage distribution of pos. of Track Maintainers shall be revised as indicated in the table given below :-

SN Designation Pay structure as per Existing percentage distribution of posts Revised %age distribution of posts
6th CPC 7th CPC
1 Track Maintainer – I GP Rs. 2800 Level – 5 6 10
2 Track Maintainer – II GP Rs. 2400 Level – 4 12 20
3 Track Maintainer – III GP Rs. 1900 Level – 2 22 20
4 Track Maintainer – IV GP Rs. 1800 Level – 1 60 50

2.The revision of percentage distribution of posts of Track Maintainers as highlighted in Table above, would be self-financing and an expenditure neutral proposition.

2.1 After working out the financial implications, the matching savings should be effected from the category itself. Wherever It is not possible to do so from the category itself, the matching savings should generally be arranged from the Civil Engineering department at the Divisional/Zonal level. However, there would be no revision of percentage distribution of posts of Track Maintainers without matching savings.

3. All promotions should be made as per norms/ procedure laid down in Board’s letter no.E(NG)I-2012/PMS/1 dated 13.08-2013 (RBE No.81/2013) for the unified cadre of Track Maintainers. Instructions regarding minimum residency period for promotion issued by Board from time to time should be followed strictly.

4. The revision of percentage distribution of pos. of Track Maintainers will be with reference to the sanctioned cadre strength as on date of issue of this letter. Accordingly, the staff who will be placed in higher grade pay as a result of implementation of these orders will draw pay in higher grades w.e.f this date. The benefit of revision of percentage will be restricted to the Track Maintainers who are working in the cadre on this cut off date.

5. These orders will be applicable to the permanent regular cadres (excluding surplus & supernumerary posts) of the Open Line establishments and Workshops, Production Units 8, Metro Railway/Kolkata. Those temporary posts which are in continuous operation for at least three years may also be taken into account for the purpose of applying revised percentage. This will be subject to certification that these posts are meant for regular activities which will continue and not for any sporadic requirements. These revision orders will not be applicable to ex-cadre & work-charged posts which will continue to be based on worth of charge.

6. The pay of staff promoted against the additional higher grade posts as a result of revision of percentage distribution of posts (including chain/resultant vacancies) will be fixed as per Rule 13 of RS(RP) Rules,2016 with the benefit of promotional increment, with the usual option for pay fixation as per extant rules.

7. Track Maintainers who retire, resign, expire or are medically de-categorized in between the period from the date of effect of these orders to the date of actual implementation of these orders, will be eligible for the fixation benefits and arrears under these orders w.e.f date of issue of these orders, if they are otherwise eligible for the said benefit.

8. Track Maintainers who had earlier refused promotion before issue of these orders and consequently stood debarred for promotion may now be considered for promotion, in relaxation of the extant provisions as a one time exception. This is subject to their indicating in writing that they are willing to be considered for such promotion against the vacancies existing on the date of issue of these orders and arising due to revision of percentage distribution of posts on that date. This relaxation will not be applicable to vacancies arising after the date of effect.

9. This issues in consultation with the Civil Engineering and Finance Directorates of this Ministry.

The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.

(Java Kumar G)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission-VII
Railway Board

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