Revision of Financial powers to Heads of circles – DOP
No. 6-1/2016-FC (Posts)
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Integrated Finance Wing)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001
Dated: 8th January 2019
Sub: Revision of Financial powers to Heads of circles in the Department of Posts.
A reference is invited to this Department OM No.6-1/2005-FC (Posts) dated 31st August 2016, on the subject cited above.
2. In this regard, Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh has sought for clarification with reference to OM No.6-1/2005-FC (Posts) dated 31st August 2016 regarding financial powers of Head of Circle in respect of Serial No. 14(b)(i) of Schedule-II whether this is applicable for a financial year or in each case.
3. The matter has been examined in this Directorate. It is clarified that the line, “In other cases the power should only be Rs. 20000/-” appearing against SI 14(b) (i) of Schedule-II, as communicated vide this Directorate letter dated 31.08.2016, is correct and should not be interpreted as being in each case.
4. This has approval of competent authority.
(A.P. Xaxa)
Director (FA)
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