Prescription slip of CGHS beneficiaries

Prescription slip of CGHS beneficiaries

File No.Misc-83/2018
Government of India
Office of the Additional Director
New Delhi -110022

Dated 17-12-2018

Office Memorandum

It is observed that in most of the empanelled HCOs, specialist does not put signature and rubber stamp on the prescription slip during consultation, due to which CGHS beneficiaries suffer a lot of problem in seeking endorsement of the advised procedure/investigation & procurement of medicines from CMO i/c of CGHS WC.

Therefore, you are directed to issue instruction to all specialist/ doctors working in your hospital that they must put their Stamp with name speciality & MCI/DMC Registration No. below their signature on the prescription slip of CGHS beneficiaries to enable them to get endorsement of procedure/investigation & procurement of medicines from CMO i/c of CGHS WC easily and to make referral system hassle free issued by Ministry’s OM Z 15025 / 117 /2017/DIR/CGHS dated 15.1.2018.

(Dr. Sanjay Jain)
Additional Director, CGHS (HQ)

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